Page 65 of Lincoln

Owen: I honestly can’t answer that. Ask me again in a few months.

Jacob: You’re going to lose her. She’s talked about marriage and kids. You know that’s what she wants.

Owen: She’s mentioned nothing to me before. What about you and Erin? Do you feel that way about her, Jacob?

Jacob: We split up three days ago.

Owen: Hell, man, you never said.

Me: I’m sorry to hear that. Erin was tops.

Jacob: I just wasn’t digging it, to be honest.

Owen: We need to go out for a beer this week, Jacob. Wish you were here, Linc.

Me: Not long until I’m home.

Jacob: Cheers, guys. I’m okay and actually fine about it all.

I need to steer this ship in a different direction.

Me: What do I do? Enjoy the next few weeks. See what happens? She’s a manager for her father’s business. She would never leave the company and I can never leave the hotel and spa. It’ll never work.

Jacob: So basically you’re fucked if you fall in love and fucked if you don’t explore the possibilities of what might be your future?

Jacob is always the levelheaded one out of all of us.

Me: I’m so confused.

Jacob: Why not just have fun? If you last six weeks, it will be a record for you.

Owen: I’ve never heard you like this before.

Me: Maybe I’m overthinking it all.

Jacob: Well, stop thinking at all, Linc. Just see what happens. Enjoy the next few weeks of your visa and see how everything plays out. No pressure.

Owen: Jacob is right. And if it still feels the same in six weeks' time, then you can figure it out then. Not now though. Okay?

Me: Okay.

Owen: She’s got a fucking cracking body.

Me: You can delete that photo now!

Jacob: Or I will tell Skye!

Owen: Snitch.

Me: Right, I need to go. Off to get my car, then start my shift for tonight’s event.

Jacob: I can’t believe you still do that. I thought it was only for a couple of Saturday nights. Is this your third week?

Me: Yeah, it’s great fun.

Owen: Enjoy and remember to hold on to your boxers tonight.

Me: Will do. Cheers, lads.