Page 151 of Lincoln

“Go for it,” my dad says confidently.

I relax my shoulders and exhale. Picking up my glass, I take a huge gulp. “I’m fine,” I say to no one in particular. Jacob slaps my back.

Violet raises her glass up. “I would like to make a toast to my father who kindly dumped Olivia because if he hadn’t and if they ended up getting married, then Lincoln and I would have been…”

“Brother and sister!” I shout too loudly. Oh my fucking God, that never even crossed my mind.

And the kitchen erupts with laughter, chinks of glasses, and lots of oh my Gods.

As I look around the kitchen at my blended family, I feel loved, just like my grandmother said I was. I am loved beyond measure.

And I have everything in my life I need.

Right here.


Lincoln - four months later

“Jonathan, remove your backside from this ballroom and get back to work,” Violet calls out from across the room. “According to Michael, you were supposed to be in reception twenty minutes ago.”

“Oh shit, you had better go,” I say through the side of my mouth. “She looks pissed.”

I turn around and Violet is standing at the back of the room with one hand on her hip and in the other she is holding on to a sparkly bright-pink planner.

Jonathan runs, fucking runs, through the room. “Sorry, we were talking about cars,” Jonathan blabs.

“Well, you should have been talking about work, not cars.” Violet narrows her eyes. “Go.”

Jonathan flings the wooden doors open wide and disappears.

“And you. Come with me.” She beckons me with her pointer finger and goes out the same door Jonathan did.

Oh shit, I’m in trouble.

I run toward the exit. Christ, what am I doing running? I know exactly why I am running. She has me by the balls.

Violet is standing and waiting for me.

“How did you know I was in there?” I thumb over my shoulder.


“What were you doing in security?”

“Looking for you.”


“Because there is a problem down here.”

She walks down the hall. My eyes fall to her hips as she wiggles herself swiftly down the black-and-white marble corridor and I have to skip a few times to keep up with her.

Everything happens at once. She stops walking, unlocks the laundry closet, pulls me by my tie into the small room, slams the door behind me, and locks it, then shoves me up against the shelving unit that houses dozens of white towels and smashes her lips painfully against mine. I'm pretty sure she just drew blood.

“I thought you said we had a problem,” I say between her frantic kisses.

“We do. I haven’t seen you since this morning.” She unzips my dress pants.