Page 15 of Lincoln


“Uncle Andrew, don’t call me Letty.” Violet rolls her eyes with a smirk.

It makes sense that this is another of her family businesses. West Oracle Corporations has all of its fingers in all the pies.

Andrew cheekily smiles back at her. “As long as you don’t call me uncle again.” He waggles his finger in the air at her and the mood in the room lifts at the easy exchange.

“Deal.” Violet gives him a thumbs-up.

She looks stunning again today. Hair pulled up into a high, tight ponytail, she’s fresh-faced and freckled. In simple black wide-legged pants, a tight white tee shirt, and pure white chunky soled trainers, everything she wears fits her perfectly. I guarantee someone like Violet has a personal shopper. She’s immaculate.

Why is she so beautiful?

I need to train my eyes to stay high and not dip below her neckline when we have one-on-one partner work as that tee shirt is doing nothing to conceal her incredible boobs.

I’m a boob man and her rack is exceedingly distracting.

Everything about her I find distracting.

Especially now that I know what her pussy looks like.

How the hell am I gonna focus today?



Our morning passed at hyper-speed. We worked, mainly outside, on the high and low ropes, helping each other across shark-infested custard, which was just sand, but it was fun and exhilarating ensuring everyone made it to shore safely. For a brief moment, Violet brushed up against me when she reached for the rope to pass me by and I swear time stood still. If it did, she certainly didn’t notice.

I don’t know what the hell is going on with me, but I can’t take my eyes off her as a strong gravitational pull draws me toward her.

In contrast, she’s been bashful and shy with me all day, avoiding eye contact and my gentle conversation coaxing with her didn’t seem to help, so I took a step back to allow her some space. I don’t want her to feel awkward around me.

She is right about her being accident-prone though; she’s tripped twice so far this morning and walked into a door. Which makes me like her even more as she’s adorably clumsy and super cute with it.

The best part of the morning was Zombie Escape, where we had ten puzzles to solve as zombies tried to eat us. Judith, who is by far the most enthusiastic at S&M Gym, er, Urban Soul Studios, almost had a heart attack when we failed to solve one of the puzzles in time and a zombie leaped out and grabbed her from behind, dragging her off, kicking and screaming.

It was hilarious. We’ve had a brilliant day so far.

This little team has really grown on me, and I might actually miss this eclectic group of people that I spend most of my days here in California with.

“Okay, everyone.” Andrew, our team coordinator, addresses the room. “This morning was a tremendous success. I am sure you have all had a lot of fun. I especially like the moment Jasper faked his own shark-infested custard death. You deserve an Oscar, my friend.” Andrew winks at him teasingly. “And when was the last time you played in a sandbox?” He looks around the room.

I could answer that easily. It was before I came here. I was playing with my little brothers, Archie and Hamish, down the beach. They may not be my blood brothers, but they sure do feel like it, and I make a point of taking Hamish, who is getting so tall and is ten years old now, and little Archie, who is six, to the sandcastle competition that runs faithfully every Saturday, even through the winter months at Castleview Cove. It’s my most favorite thing to do with them and we won five times last year. I can’t wait to get back and claim that trophy with them again. They get so excited when they win, and then we always go for ice cream at Castle Cones. It’s the perfect day out.

The two of them are in complete contrast to each other. Archie who has the ice-blond hair and blue eyes, is more serious, but if he starts giggling, there is no stopping him. In comparison, Hamish is just Hamish, mousy-brown hair and big brown eyes, he looks like a multicolored swap shop most days as he doesn’t appear to care what he looks like. He also has a vivid imagination which is what I love him about him the most. But some of the stories he tells me from school, I’m often not sure to believe him or not. He’s a blatherer.

Andrew continues, “Work is supposed to be fun. It’s where you spend most of your days and there is no point in spending the rest of your life with regrets. This morning was about interaction, laughter, and finding new ways to work together as a team. Those exercises highlighted what a bunch of free-spirited and lighthearted souls you are. You gel. You listen to each other and I was blown away by how much you are involved with each other’s lives. The concern for one another. That’s unique. But it’s time to go deeper. To get to know each other ever better. This afternoon’s exercises are based on building trust, being honest, and showing how courageous you can be.” Andrew rubs his hands together again. “I want you to find the partner I buddied you up with this morning. It’s time to go deep. Are you ready? I need a hell, yeah.” He punches the air and we all laugh and parrot his hell, yeah back to him.

After a few minutes of moving our seats around, Andrew instructs us to sit facing our partners.

I sit down opposite Violet and our eyes lock. We stare.

“Hi.” I feel her nerves around me. She makes me nervous too. She responds with a slight smirk.

“How is your head today?”

“I got some Arnica like you said.” Locating her bump, she rubs her fingers over her hair. “It’s better. Thank you.”