Page 94 of Baby, Be Mine

I looked over my shoulder at Mason, who was currently shooting a look my way with huge, help me eyes.

The woman set the pink pitchers with mint sprigs and chunks of watermelon in front of me. “I had a feeling these would be a big seller.”

I glanced at her name tag. “Thank you, Rachel. Anything with Harry Styles in it says party to me.”

She laughed. “Exactly.”

I made a mental note to find some cash for her tip jar and stuffed a sleeve of plastic cups under my arm, then took the handles of the pitchers in each hand as I headed toward the Ramos family. The fumes from the alcohol wafted my way, making my eyes sting. “Ladies, I think it’s time to get the party started. I know you’re just the ones to get it going.”

Frankie took the sleeve of cups from under my arm. “You got that right,amigazo.”

Gabby took one of the pitchers and sniffed. “Ooh. This is gonna be dangerous.”

Erica took the other one and started pouring into the cup Frankie held out to her. Frankie took a sip and whooped, then she held out the cup to Erica to try.

Erica’s big brown eyes got even wider. “How much vodka is in this thing?”

I flashed a bright smile. “Probably best not to ask.”

She snorted and filled the second glass Frankie held.

Bonnie took a glass and then the whole sleeve rapidly disappeared as cousins and wives came forward.

Somehow a glass ended up in my hand and I shrugged and held it up for a toast. “To love.”

“To love!”

A smattering of Spanish and what I was pretty sure was Italian salutations and cheers went up. Gina and Jared came down to see what was going on and the toasting started up again.

The pitchers were emptied in no time.

And while I loved Harry Styles as much as the next woman, I would not be drinking that again. I had no tolerance any longer.

The pack of them surrounded Gina and hauled her back up the hill to the oak tree while they all fawned over the decorations and flowers.

I could already hear the tearful declarations all the way over here.

Mason came up next to me. “Way to handle the Ramos family.”

“I’ve had lots of practice.” I grinned up at him. “You should see my family.”

“Big as them?”

“Probably bigger.”

He swallowed hard and I laughed. “C’mon, let’s get inside and make sure everything is running smoothly.” I hooked my arm through his and hauled him up the path before the Ramos women started offering me more of those delicious watermelon drinks.

I had a very long day ahead of me.


I wasthankful that the party was going so well. As the sun went down and the music got louder, so did the conversations. Laughter was the star of the show, along with endless stories about my brother.

Gina had been drinking with her sisters all evening, and she’d lost her shoes sometime between dinner and dessert. She was having the time of her life and that was all that mattered to me.

She kept dragging my dad around with her from friend group to family group, introducing my poor, introverted father to dozens of people. I could see the wheels turning there. He’d be sneaking out soon.

He was much more comfortable with his plants and cuttings.