She laughed. “Now you’re a delivery guy too?”
“Only for ladies who have babies on my boat.”
“Oh, you’re going to see the baby and that new girl? Emmy?”
“Emmaline Hauser.”
“Right, right.” She sighed. “That was wild. Brooks couldn’t stop talking about it when he came home that night.”
Better than my nightmares about what could have happened. I still had them most nights.
“Hey, can you text me the baby’s name? We’re all dying to know.”
I laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Okay, good. And thanks, Mason. Really.”
“No thanks needed. You just saved me from figuring out what to do for my big brother’s bachelor party.”
“Thanks for not making it a big thing. I’m sure you were planning something really nice.”
Oh, how I wished I could actually say that. “We’ll make sure to have something fun for all the guys, don’t you worry.”
“You better not have a stripper on that boat.”
I was about to tell her not to worry.
“Unless I get dibs on picking one too.”
I laughed. “Deal.”
The shrill peal of a baby cry reverberated around the cabin of my truck.
“That’s my cue. I’ll send you that email. Bye.”
“Bye,” I said into the dead air of the phone. She’d already hung up.
I shook my head and stabbed my finger on the button for starting route. Now I had another mom to worry about.
I pulled out and followed the directions away from Main Street and into the new builds popping up just outside of the hub of Crescent Cove. I was pretty familiar with most of the town, but with the rise in population came new homes—or in this case, a new apartment complex. “Cove Meadows,” I muttered to myself.
Didn’t look like much of a meadow, just a whole lot of cookie cutter buildings crammed together.
I followed the winding road with the series of two and three story apartment buildings. I parked in front of building five and cut the engine, suddenly unsure of my steps.
I didn’t want to wake her or the baby by just showing up unannounced.
I took the bags and hooked them over my arm, then tucked the dish against my side and walked to the covered porch. I tried the door first and found it locked. At least there was some security. Beside it was an intercom system and a dozen buttons.
“Now or never, I guess.” I buzzed her apartment number.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a Big Mac in that bag, would you? I’ve been craving a Big Mac for hours. Did my husband send you?” Came a woman’s sharp voice through the intercom.
Evidently, there was a video feature as well as I heard the lens move up and down my body.
I cleared my throat. “No, but I do have food.”
“Okay, I’m listening. What do you have besides the plant? I’m not really looking for a salad.”