Page 21 of Baby, Be Mine

“Nope. But I stole my mom’s old wagon when I left. It’s still cherry because my dad is ridiculous and loves her like crazy.” She curled forward and panted. “It handles like a hearse, but it’s mine.” And suddenly, as with every other contraction, she just dropped against me.

“I don’t want to know why you know how a hearse handles.”

She laughed and laughed, turning onto her side to lean against my chest. “No, you definitely don’t. Did I mention I come from a small town?”

“I think you did.” I stroked her sweaty hair. She was getting far too close to this baby actually coming. I didn’t even want to think about what was going on under her dress right now. Was she already crowning?


I couldn’t handle that.

“I really have to call the ambulance, Emma.”

She nodded and laid her cheek against me, her other hand curved around her belly. “In a minute. I’m just so tired.”

“I know, but we need help.”

I would never forget my freaking cell phone ever again.

She sniffled. “I’m scared.”

My heart twisted in my chest. “Are you sure I can’t call someone for you?”

She was quiet as she traced the pattern of my shirt with her fingertip. “If I call my family, they’ll take over. They’ll take me home and I’m afraid I’ll be weak enough to let them. I’m just tired.”

“I have a feeling you’re anything but weak, Emmaline Hauser.”

She made a little hiccup of a sob as she snuggled into me. “Thanks.”

It had to be the adrenaline and the palpable fear coming off of her, but I didn’t want to let her go. “I’m sure they just want to be there for you.”

“You don’t know them.” She tipped her head up and those lake blue eyes sparkled with tears.

I frowned. “Are you afraid—”

“No. God, no.” Her eyes crinkled at the corners and the tears flowed into a laugh. “They’re just overwhelming and chaotic.” She sniffled. “But my brother Clint is nearby. I can call him.”

“Okay. I just don’t want you to be alone.” It hollowed me out just thinking about it. “I’m just going to have you sit up for one second.” I helped ease her upright.

She pressed her lips together until they were white at the edges. Her golden hair was fuzzing around her face with the heat of the day and the sweat of full-on labor. Her cheeks were red flags, and her eyes were too bright. But bravery was there under the fear.

“I’ll be right back.”

She nodded and I quickly got up, careful to not knock her off the bench. I ran across the deck and nearly skidded down the damn stairs.

I found her purse and dug deep into the cavernous pockets until I found a sparkly pink case. Thank God it was an iPhone. I hit the power button until the emergency option came up.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“I need an ambulance at The Mason Jar on Crescent Lake Road.” I pounded back up the steps.

“What’s the emergency?”

“I have a woman in active labor.”

I heard the clacking of keys before it went suspiciously silent. “Active?”

“Yes. And we’re on a damn boat and I have no way to get her off.”