Page 127 of Baby, Be Mine

I craned my neck as she ran out of the room with that perfect ass on display, her hair flowing behind her like flames.

I dropped my arm over my face, my chest still heaving as I tried to find oxygen.

Somehow I managed to sit up and heard her voice come through the monitor.

“Okay, okay, Miss Lungs. Give me a break. Mama just had the best sex of her life, and you ruined my afterglow because you’re a little piglet.”

I grinned as I put my clothes back together.

I’d take the best sex of her life to start.


When I’d toldmy parents I was going to Netflix and chill, I actually hadn’t thought the chill part would be an option. But here we were.

We’d managed to make it up to my room this time.

I wasn’t sure I’d be able to go into my Dad’s study without seeing Mason going down on me in my head.

Not good.

I mean, it had been very good, but not good for my psyche. I’d just avoid his office. I’d cleaned up in there and scrubbed the couch down with only a little bit of blushing while Mason sat with bean in the living room.

We’d ordered pizza and did, in fact, watch a movie.

Of course we made out on the couch like a couple of teenagers in between action sequences.Speedwas on the menu both for Keanu and Sandy, and because of that one liner between us. Because yes, we might have started under intense circumstances, but it didn’t make us any less right together.

I opened blurry eyes as the familiar cries split the darkness. Ahh, 3 AM my old friend. Guess Mason would get to see just how much fun colic was on the overnight.

I started to get up when I heard him murmur to bean. “Hey, what’s all this?”

I could see her little fist flail in the dimness of the nightlight.

“I can get her,” I said as I sat up.

“I’ve got her.” I heard the creek of the old rocking chair in the corner of my bedroom. I’d stolen it from the nursery because it was just easier to have her sleep near me than to go between the two rooms.

Bean was not having it.

I was about to get out of bed and take over, incredibly grateful that he would even try to soothe her. Then bean quieted and I heard her drinking. He must have found the backup bottle I kept in my warmer. Sometimes I couldn’t produce fast enough for her when she was super upset.

“Everything okay?”

“Go back to sleep.”

I rolled onto my side and watched them. I couldn’t quite fall back to sleep. My heart was too busy being full to bursting for this man. My eyes misted as he rocked my baby back to sleep. Her little squeaks and grunts so familiar and so different when they came from this side of the bed.

I must have drifted off because I felt the bed shift and him slide in beside me. He kissed my shoulder and curled around me.

The sun came up far too soon, but it was definitely a better start to the day with Mason behind me.

His fingers slid down my belly. “Morning.”

I rubbed my butt against his morning erection. “Well, hello there.”

He tucked his fingers under the band of my shorts. “Can I?”

I smiled into my pillow as he slipped between my thighs with a low groan. “Is she sleeping?”