Page 11 of Baby, Be Mine

“Excuse me, are you saying this job is on a boat?”

I focused on Carol. “Yes. That’s a major part of the job.” Did we not discuss that during the first interview? I knew there had been a bit of a time jump since my first round of interviews, but I didn’t think I could’ve left that part out.

“Yes, most of the coordination is for parties on the boat, as well as events through the summer.”

“Oh, yeah. That barge outside?” Emmaline interjected with a wide grin as she leaned on her hand with a dreamy look. “So perfect for bachelor and bachelorette parties, some theme parties, could even do some corporate stuff. It’s limitless.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.” I nodded. “And a weekly outing in the summer. Mid-week, maybe.”

“Right!” Her blue eyes widened. “Every week a different theme. Ridiculous Hawaiian shirts, or Marvel nights with the movie playing on a screen on the top deck. Can have food to match. I’m sure your chef could be persuaded to get creative. You know, if you really wanted to get involved. Or maybe work with other local restaurants to get some community going.”

This was exactly what I was looking for.

I cleared my throat and turned back to Carol. “Sorry. Got a little carried away.”

Carol’s eyes had widened and I was pretty sure she looked a little green around the gills.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes.” She smoothed down the already perfectly smooth buttons on her jacket. “I didn’t realize I’d have to be on the boat with people.”

I stuffed my hands in my jeans pockets. “Actually. I can show you that right now. It’s—”

“No, that’s all right.” Her gaze darted to Emmaline. “Actually, I think you have your answer with Miss Hauser. Even if she is in a…difficult way. She seems far more suited to this job than I am.”

I frowned. “Difficult?”

Emmaline’s face lost that bright and excited smile.

“I don’t think there’s enough Dramamine on this earth to have me work on a boat every day.”

I blinked. “You get seasick? And you applied?”

Carol cleared her throat. “I thought I would be handling the bookings, not actually being on the boat to run the parties. I’m very sorry I misunderstood. Perhaps your job posting should have been a little more clear.”

“It was pretty clear, Carol.” Emmaline folded her arms across her chest. “And my situation isn’t difficult. Especially not in this town from what I hear.” She slid off the stool and straightened and there was no denying that there was a very generous curve to her belly.

One that I was very used to seeing in the Cove. Mostly because my sister-in-law to be had just had a baby recently.

Regardless of her very obvious baby situation, I was surprised she was standing up for me. Mostly because she didn’t have the job yet.

Before I could open my mouth, Emmaline stepped forward and Carol backed up. “And more importantly, there’s no way that a woman who has such a rod up her butt could plan a party that didn’t include china and a book club with cucumber sandwiches.”

Carol flushed. “I—there’s nothing wrong with a book club.”

“Sure, if we’re reading something super hot and filthy. Then I’m down for it. But I don’t think your Oprah titles are exactly the kind of party Mr. Brooks had in mind.” She glanced at me. “Oh, we should definitely talk about a possible smutty reader party for the boat. You know, when you give me the job.” Emmaline gave me a huge smile that punched me in the gut.

Carol lifted her chin. “And what do you think you’re going to do with a baby on your hip in a matter of days?”

“Ladies, please.” I glanced around and internally groaned at how many people were turning their attention to us.

“I’m going to do what every woman who has a baby does. I’m going to work and take care of my kid. Just like you, Carol.”

She sniffed.

“Okay, why don’t we take this outside? Do you want help, Miss Hauser?”

Emmaline waved me off. “I’m perfectly fine. And I’d love to see the boat and continue this conversation. If you still want me to interview, that is.” She stared me down. “Me having a baby isn’t going to be a problem, I would assume?”