Page 102 of Baby, Be Mine

I ran to meet him, taken aback when I found Kitty in there with him, wearing a surgical mask.

“She wasn’t sure if Adriana was catchy and her being pregnant…”

I waved him off. “Understandable.”

Adriana was on the exam table, her little arms and legs flailing as she shouted off the roof of the building.

“Bean,shh.It’s okay. I’m here.”

The young doctor looked at me. My daughter was freaking out, and he was cool as a damn cucumber. “Are you the mother?”

I nodded, my eyes filling. “What’s wrong with her?” I just wanted to hold her.

“Well, this little one decided she wasn’t going to eat. Just scream for her mama.”

The spike of guilt made my eyes well over. “I was out. I’m so sorry, bean. I’m here now. I won’t leave you again.”

Clint came up behind me and rubbed my arms. “She started spiking a fever after her dinner.” He was talking to the doctor, but he was still soothing me. Just like he always did.

Always looking out for me.

“We put her in a tepid bath to try and bring it down.”

The doctor glanced at Clint. “And didn’t give her anything else?”


“Good. We don’t like to give babies this young any Tylenol. But smart on the bath.” He turned to me. “Are you breastfeeding?”

I nodded. “She doesn’t take any formula. Just me.”

“Okay, so she should have plenty of antibodies going on.” He set gentle hands on Adriana’s belly. “A little distended, but she’s probably been getting herself all worked up for a while, huh?”

“Yes, she hasn’t really stopped crying since we left.”

I slapped a hand over my mouth against a sob. So long?

He checked her heart and her ears. “Mom, why don’t you come over here and see if she’ll quiet down a little with you.”

Gratefully, I went to her side and cupped her head. “Hey, lil bean. What’s the drama?” I bent down to brush my nose against her cheek. “This nice doctor wants to check you over, okay?”

“She’s a little over three weeks, correct?”

I nodded as the tears tracked over my nose and onto the exam table.

“Has she been colicky?”

I looked up. “She’s been fussy late at night. Doesn’t like to settle down some nights until dawn.”

Clint sighed. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I just assumed that was part of the mom deal.” I turned my focus back on Adriana. “She’s so good during the day. The best sleeper throughout the day, actually.”

“I don’t think she has anything other than a touch of colic. I know the fever is scary, but it’s very low. We’re going to take a quick panel to make sure everything is okay.” The doctor settled a hand over mine. “We’ll get her all checked out. Don’t worry, okay?”

I nodded. “Can I hold her now?”
