Henry paused with one foot on the step below me. “Think the better question is what’s up with you, smudged lipstick?”
I touched my mouth. “That’s not what I asked.”
He smirked. “Uh huh.”
“You wanted something? Or do you actually need Mason?”
“No, you can handle it. Just wondering how many people you think will be at the earlier shift of the party. So I can figure out how many carts to send over for appetizers.”
“Oh. Yeah, it’s definitely going to be in shifts. I’d say fifty max. The evening will be the highest traffic.”
“Okay, cool. Just hit me up if that changes. I have all the appetizers set up, just depends on how many ovens I need to have going.”
“Will do.” He turned on the stairs and headed back down. “Might want to check that lipstick, Hauser.”
I rolled my eyes, but I rushed down the stairs after him. At the bottom of the stairs, I used my phone to check my face and yikes. I didn’t have a Kardashian level set of lips, but it sure seemed as if I’d been trying to pull off that kind of look.
I grabbed a napkin and did what I could to clean up. While I had the phone out, I sent a quick text to check in on Adriana. I got a picture back from Clint with a happily eating bean.
I hearted the photo and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. Not only had Kitty found me a cute dress, but it had pockets.
The next thirty minutes was a flurry of activity.
The bars on each level were prepping ice and massive stations for drinks. It was already a hot one and while the light breeze off the water helped, it was already getting uncomfortable.
Luckily, Mason had thought ahead there and had installed cabin fans. I directed Stef to have them turned on to keep the boat cool for people’s arrival.
I went outside to check on the final touches. Maddie seemed to have that in hand and a few guests were already arriving. As I headed down the dock, Mason caught up with me.
I bit my lower lip against a wide smile. “How’s it hanging, boss?”
“Don’t start with that shit.”
I snickered.
“Behave. We have a bunch of smart cops headed our way.”
“Are all the cops on the force so big?”
He frowned down at me. “And why does that matter?”
“Just noticing is all.”
“And they’re almost all spoken for.”
I bumped him with my hip. “Relax. I’m only interested in one ginger.”
“I’m not a ginger.”
“Did I say it was you?” I lengthened my stride to meet Gina as she came up the path.
“Guys!” Her eyes were already watering. “I can’t believe this.” She covered her mouth and spun around, taking in the decorated oak, the dock with her wedding flowers, and the barge all shined up with catering staff rushing around inside.
All of it for her and Jared.
She headed for the oak first and ran a shaking hand over the tulle wrapped arbor. We didn’t use a full arch. Instead, it was a simple frame with draped fabric, lights, and flowers.