“Yeah, I’m really sorry about that.” He seemed to notice he was only talking to me. “To all of you. I know you probably have other things you need to be doing.”
“It’s all right. I’m just glad for the chance to interview.” Carol’s super polite voice was laced with enough saccharine that I could taste it on the air.
“I do have to get out of here soon,” Jim interjected. “I have a shift at The Spinning Wheel tonight and I need to crash.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Jim was not making the best impression for this interview session. I was pretty sure most of us were on the second or third round.
“All right, if you ladies are all right with it, I’ll take Mr. Taylor first.”
I desperately wanted to say no, but I figured Jimmy would show the rest of his ass in a few minutes and the interview would be over. One more gold star in my column. “Fine with me.”
Carol nodded. “Whatever you need.”
Suck up.
“Okay. Why don’t we head out to the boat and see what’s what.”
“Sounds good.” Jim finally sat up from his slouch and loudly sucked up the last of his water from the spare few ice cubes he had left in his glass.
Once the two men were down the stairs, Carol turned to me. “How far along are you?”
“Why, Carol, this could be a french fry belly.”
The woman colored and sat up straighter if it was at all possible. “I…beg your pardon.”
I grinned. “Sorry, couldn’t resist. When I interviewed for the position, I thought it was going to start a little earlier.”
Her eyes got larger. “You didn’t know you were pregnant?” she whispered.
“Oh, I knew. But I gotta pay the bills. Still do.” I patted my sizable belly. “For me and the bean.”
“But won’t you need to take time? Is that fair?”
I leaned against the back of the stool, forcing myself to relax against the lower back pain that was my constant companion. “Plenty of moms work. Are you a mom, Carol?”
“Yes. But my children are in school. It’s time for me to be back to work.”
I tilted my head. “Because your husband worked enough to cover you to stay home?”
She lifted her chin. “No husband?”
Her gaze lowered to my bright, floral dress, then she lifted her eyes to meet my gaze. “But surely the father would want to…help.”
The father of my baby had helped himself to another woman while I was still in the picture. I wasn’t sure Carol would be up for that answer. “Surely you are aware us woman can do it all these days. Even when we thought we wouldn’t have to.”
She swallowed hard and turned back to her mostly untouched glass of water. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I made the best choice for me and my baby. And if that means working and taking care of my kid at the same time, that’s what I’ll do.”
“I’m not sorry about that,” she said quietly. “I’m just sorry you have to.”
The ire slipped out of me. “I have a great family, but I just want to show them I am capable. And dammit, this job is perfect for me. Even if the timing is a little less than perfect.”
I clenched my fist against the side of my leg under the bar.
Not at all the best timing, but I was determined to make it work.