I rushed over to her. “Okay. Okay, we’ll figure it out. Just don’t scream. And please wait ten more minutes ish to have this baby.”
Don’t make me help you give birth.
“Oh, God. That was a big one.” Her hair was plastered to her temples. “It’s so hot in here.”
It was, even though I was freaking out too much to pay attention. I should have grabbed her another water. Was she allowed to have water? Why did I remember something about ice chips?
“I swear, this baby wants to make a dramatic entry into this world.”
I helped her straighten up and walked her backwards. “Please don’t.”
She sat on the edge of the bench and braced her elbows on her knees with her legs wide open. Thank God that dress was so oversized and long. I couldn’t handle much more of this.
Definitely not seeing what was under there.
Okay, it really was hot in here. Maybe I needed to put my head between my knees too.
“You okay, Ace?”
“Me?” I looked up and met her gaze.
She threw a huge smile at me. “Looking a little pale. I’m a little past helping you off the floor.”
“I’m good.” I stood and went to look out at the other side of the boat to where the parking lot was. It was busy with plenty of cars and another goddamn bus, but no ambulance.
I spun back around and pulled her phone out of my pocket. “What’s your code? Or do you want to call him?”
“Your brother.”
“Oh, right. No—you better call. If he hears me like this, he’ll go apoplectic.”
Oh, like I was? Sure.
I tapped it in and scrolled her contacts. “I don’t see a Clint.”
She started rocking. “Sparky.”
“Yeah, don’t ask.” She panted and tried not to yell.
God, it was getting worse. I spun around as the person on the other end picked up.
“Hello? Is it time? Where are you?”
“Hi. Um, this is Mason Brooks. I have your sist—”
“Is she okay?” The voice was authoritative and brisk. “Where is she?”
“She’s fine, but I think the baby is coming. She’s with me at my restaurant—actually, my boat.”