Page 42 of Rafael Pagani

“Your cell?” I asked Peyton.

She shook her head, pulling it out of her pocket. “It can’t be. I haven’t left it anywhere for anyone to get—”

“Don’t need physical access,” Remy said, clearly hearing Peyton. “It can be hacked remotely, then tracked.”

“Fuck.” I cracked my neck to the side, holding my hand out for her cell. I’d smash it to pieces and buy her a new one if I needed to. “Do I need to destroy it?” I asked.

“You can…” Remy trailed off, his tone telling me to wait as he thought it through. “Bring it to me, I’ll take a look at it. In the meantime, power it down and put it in the microwave.”

“In the microwave?” I asked, laughing.

“Yeah,” Remy replied, giving no context whatsoever, then hanging up the call.

I didn’t hesitate in turning it off, then placing it into the microwave, and as I spun around into the kitchen, Peyton was in the doorway, her teeth sank into her bottom lip, worry plastered all over her face.

“Don’t look like that, mama.” I sauntered toward her, my hands finding her hips and lifting her as soon as I was in reach.

“Look like what?” she asked wrapping her legs around my waist just like she had last night.

“I told you already.” I paused, moving us to the bottom of the stairs, then halting. I was waiting for her permission, and her small nod was all I needed to head on up and to her bedroom for the second night in a row. “I got you, mama. You ain’t gotta worry about a thing now.”

Her eyes closed, her arms wrapping around my neck as she sighed. “You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Raf.”

I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t, that I had every intention on keeping the promise, but her lips landing on mine silenced me. We’d forget everything and wrap ourselves around each other, even if it was just for a little while.



“How’s my little sister?” I grinned at the sound of my big brother’s voice over the cell. It had been way too long since I’d seen his face. So long that I’d lost count. I frowned at that thought, not liking it one bit.

“Tired,” I huffed out, placing my hand on my swollen stomach. “I’ve all of a sudden popped.” I hadn’t been this big when I was full term with Kian, but this new baby, he was different. I was bigger now at six months along than I was at nine months with Kian. And I was feeling it…everywhere.

“Wish I could see you, P.” My stomach bottomed out, the reality of our situation sinking in. I hated being this far away from my brother, especially knowing that he couldn’t just abandon his position for a day to come and see us. If he did, it was life and death. He was building the organization after taking it over, and I knew he didn’t quite trust everyone yet.

Things like this took time. But hopefully not too much because I missed him like crazy.

“Me too,” I whispered, closing my eyes as the baby kicked again. “I just…I miss you.”

Goose bumps prickled along my skin, a warning that someone was watching me, and when I looked up, Travis’s imposing body was blocking the doorway to our bedroom, his face a mask of darkness. He’d been listening to me.

“Who do you miss?” Travis growled out, his head tilting to the side.

“I…um…I gotta go, Ace,” I blurted out, panic setting in at the silent threat Travis was imposing. “Travis just got home.”

“Sure,” Ace replied, sounding a little farther away now. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I nodded, not realizing in that moment that Ace couldn’t see me, but I ended the call, placing my cell on the bedside table, my movements slow. The last thing I wanted was to rile Travis up, especially not with that glint shining in his eyes.

“H-hey, Trav.”

Silence. But not the kind of silence that was okay, no, this was the kind that made you squirm, your fight-or-flight instincts kicking in.

“Did I tell you that you could call Ace?” he asked, his voice way too calm. It had me on edge, waiting for the visible anger to appear.

“I…” I blinked, not thinking before I responded. “He called me.”

His nostrils flared, his grip intensifying on the doorframe and causing his knuckles to turn white. “Are you back talking me, Peyton?”