Page 97 of Of Blood and Roses

Her vision returned, cloudy and distorted, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at her ankle. She would no doubt see her foot jutting out from her leg at an unnatural angle. The pain rattled her completely, her stomach in her throat, trying to force its way through her mouth.



Killian and Manny shouted for her at the same time, agony in both their voices.

Manny was at her side instantly, his eyes scanning her for injury. “Don’t move,” he demanded as she tried to sit up. He’d gone ghostly pale, his skin’s golden hue retreating as he stared down at her mangled joint.

Killian, though—Killian gave Siamus a murderous look.

He lifted his chin and squared his shoulders as he lowered his shield. No—he didn’t lower it, not completely. The shimmering air grew smaller, enveloping his left forearm in a circle, the way a soldier bears a shield of metal. His right hand unsheathed the short sword at his hip, twirling it with a dark elegance. A sneer played at his lips. “You will regret that,” he uttered in the most sinister voice Elyse had ever heard him use.

Killian didn’t wait for Siamus’s reply as he advanced toward him, swinging his sword. Siamus moved aside but shot a flare of blue light at Killian, then another. Killian barely flinched as he let the light deflect off his shield, his golden eyes burning with ire.

Pain still racked Elyse’s body, and she stifled her trembling. But she couldn’t tear her eyes off Killian—couldn’t breathe as she watched him move with precision fueled by fury.

Everyone else was just as captivated. Elyse could feel the tension rippling off Manny as he watched his brother at battle. Sera looked on through heavy-lidded eyes, and even Jaime seemed impressed from where he stood across the room.

Siamus backpedaled around the room, sending hex after hex at Killian. But no matter where the mercenary went, Killian was there, easily parrying the spells and furiously thrusting his sword. He was a torrent of vengeance, wrath incarnate. Elyse spotted a hint of fear in Siamus’s lone eye.

The room echoed with the sound of Killian’s sword cleaving the air, and Siamus’s rapid breaths. Elyse knew with complete certainty as she tracked their movements that Killian’s sheer determination would win out. It was only a matter of waiting for Siamus to tire or slip up.

She held her breath as Killian stood up straight, lifting his shield higher and leaving his legs wholly unprotected. She saw the conniving gleam in his eyes, and she knew what he was doing.

Siamus sprang for the trap. A massive ball of fire flew at Killian’s legs, but he was already two steps ahead. He spun out of the way and brought his sword down on Siamus’s shoulder.

Blood sprayed and Siamus screamed as his flesh tore apart. Killian offered no mercy. He thrust the sword at Siamus’s gut, then ripped it clean out. Siamus fell to the floor, clutching his wounded stomach. Killian’s chest heaved as he stared down at Siamus, and for a moment, Elyse’s pain vanished as she beheld her hero.

Killian took one step, then another, and reached for Siamus’s scruffy hair. He grabbed a handful and thrust backward, exposing Siamus’s neck. Siamus held his stomach tighter as he grimaced in pain, but he couldn’t fight.

Killian shoved his sword straight through Siamus’s throat.

Chapter 56

- Killian -

Killian towered over an impaled Siamus. Fury still rang in his ears, along with the sound of his own heaving breaths. He did not move. He was frozen there, trapped by his own rage.

Siamus had hurt Elyse. He might have killed her. Killian had never known such wrath. It terrified him, paralyzing him.

Elyse’s pained murmur carried to his ears, coaxing him out of his trance.

“The key—it’s in his pocket.”

She spoke so quietly, her ferocity dampened by her pain. He’d seen the way her foot jutted out from her leg at a sickly angle. His silver-haired witch was acting brave, but he knew she was in agony. He also knew that he should go to her, but he couldn’t pull himself away from Siamus.

The Bastard had hurt her. He had paid for it with his life.

Yet it didn’t seem like enough.

A firm hand landed on his shoulder. “It’s over, brother,” he heard Manny say.

The touch seemed to awaken him. He blinked, then blinked again, before staring down at the blood that coated him.

It was over.

He slid the sword from Siamus’s throat, and the body crumpled to the floor. Manny knelt beside him and riffled through Siamus’s pockets as Killian turned to Elyse.