Page 88 of Of Blood and Roses

Killian was shaking with anger. His throat bobbed as he stared at her, begging her not to go. Begging her forgiveness.

In that moment, everything coursed between them. All the heartache, the betrayal, the whispered confessions and encouraging words. Every moment she had shared with him, the ones she cherished, and the ones that made her stomach turn to stone. This was what Killian had become after her treachery: a scorned soldier and lover, desperate for revenge. So desperate that he would seek the help of savages. This was what she had forced him to become.

His eyes were wide, shame and fear swimming in those golden irises. Not fear for himself, though. Fear for her, and her alone.

“Finish the job,” Elyse told him. She held his gaze as she silently added, “Then come find me.”

Killian seemed to understand her message. He nodded, almost imperceptibly. I will find you, his expression promised.

Elyse glanced toward Sera and Manny. Sera had tears in her eyes, and Manny had his arm wrapped around her waist. Beside them, Jaime was panting as he sent death glares at both Siamus and Killian.

“I’ll be okay,” Elyse told them, sounding braver than she felt.

The dozen or so Bastards who were still alive all reached into their pockets and fished out blue vials.

“It’s been a pleasure,” Siamus sneered as he shoved Killian to the ground.

With one last look at Killian on his hands and knees, Elyse took a deep breath and let the blue smoke take her.

Chapter 50

- Killian -

Killian sprang to his feet and ran to where Elyse had been standing, but she was already gone.

“No!” he cried out, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles were white. He pounded at the ground, as if doing so would bring her back to him. He didn’t know what else to do—his mind was a cloud of rage and guilt.

A body pummeled him from behind, slamming him to the earth.

“You did this!” Jaime screamed as his fist collided with Killian’s face.

Killian didn’t even fight back. He deserved every punch, every blow. He felt as the tender skin beneath his eye split open, his blood spilling. He felt his nose break, the bone cracking and the cartilage shifting unnaturally. Still, he did nothing as he let Jaime punish him relentlessly.

He had failed her. Somehow, he had led the Bastards right to her. He didn’t know how to find her, or what they were going to do to her.

They’d only just reconciled. He feared their newly healed relationship couldn’t handle this—that the thread between them was too fragile, the wound reopening. Despite the promises they’d whispered to each other. Despite the intimacy they’d shared.

Jaime’s weight lessened. Through swollen eyes, Killian watched as Manny yanked Jaime by the collar. He pulled him to his feet and pressed his blade against Jaime’s chest. Jaime might have been several inches taller than Manny, but Manny had at least twenty pounds of muscle on him—and countless years of training.

“That is my lieutenant,” Manny snarled as he gripped Jaime’s throat. “If you so much as look at him, I swear to the gods, I will kill you right now.”

“Don’t,” Killian rasped. Didn’t Manny understand? The physical pain was nothing compared to the regret that assaulted him.

Sera rushed in, hovering over Killian. She helped him sit up, which only intensified the pounding in his head. He held a hand to his face; he could feel bruises sprouting on his cheek.

Manny glared at Jaime with pure contempt, but Killian spoke softly.

“We need him,” he said, a hint of desperation in his voice. “We need all the help we can get.”

Manny looked from Jaime to Killian and back again before releasing Jaime’s neck and kicking him away. “Fine—but if you breathe wrong, you’re a dead man.” He tucked his knife back into his bandolier before extending his hand to Killian.

With Manny and Sera’s help, Killian rose to his feet. He could feel Sera’s hands trembling as she braced him. She was terrified, that much was clear. Her lilac eyes were full of sympathy, but he looked away. He didn’t deserve her encouragement.

Jaime’s eyes were glued to Killian. For a moment, he looked like he was going to attack again. Killian braced himself, though he had no doubt Manny would make good on his promise.

“What did you do?” Jaime demanded instead, his voice gravelly. “You brought them here. You let them take her away.”

Killian opened his mouth, unsure how to answer. He was spared from answering, at least momentarily, by the stamp of Sera’s foot.