“Thanks, Mum.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “I have to go. I’ll be gone for a day or two. I just need to grab one thing from my room.”
Mrs. Southwick smiled, but there was undeniable worry in her eyes. Killian pulled her into a tight hug and closed his eyes, allowing himself to breathe in her scent.
“I love you, Mum,” he said, squeezing a little tighter.
“I love you too, Killy Bean.”
Killy Bean. He smiled at the nickname that she hadn’t used for years, not since before he’d joined the Guard.
Everything would be all right—he just had to believe it.
Chapter 41
- Elyse -
One moment, Elyse and the others stood hand-in-hand on the lawn of Jaime’s country estate. The next moment, Elyse closed her eyes and let the blue smoke whisk her away. Before she opened her eyes, she could smell the salt in the air and feel the wind whipping at her back.
Sera was the first to gasp.
The group stood on a dock surrounded by water. The dock was small, so they crowded together to keep from falling into the sea. But it wasn’t the vast waters that caused them all to gape at their surroundings.
At the end of the dock was a massive iron door built into the side of a towering cliff. The door was a menacing dark gray, heat radiating from it as it absorbed the sunlight that poured down on them. Scrawling designs were etched into its face, adding to its formidability. The cliffs formed a dominating wall of sienna spotted with mossy greens, a fortress in the middle of the sea. Beyond the dock was nothing but water that reached, unrelenting, to the distant horizon.
“What is this place?” Manny breathed.
Each of them craned their necks toward the crest of the cliff. Elyse could hardly make out the tops of the trees high above them.
“It’s an island,” Elyse answered as the waves crashed against the rocks. Despite the sun beating down on her, a chill snaked up her spine. “The only way to enter is through that door.” She lifted a finger toward the iron monstrosity before them.
Killian stepped forward and tugged at the door’s ornate handle. It didn’t budge.
“It’s locked,” he said, turning back to the group.
Elyse snorted. “Well, what did you expect? That the eccentric hermit with a door built into the side of a cliff would just leave it open?”
All eyes turned toward her as she pulled a knife from the belt at her waist and sauntered toward the door. Ceremoniously, she sliced the knife across her palm and pressed her bloody hand to the warm metal. She couldn’t see her friends, but she could imagine their eyes widening as a shimmer of light blazed across the door.
“Is this some sort of blood sacrifice?” Manny asked, sounding hesitant as Elyse pivoted toward them.
Jaime scoffed, though his eyes were still glued to the door, just like the others.
“Not exactly,” Elyse said as she handed the knife to Manny. “Go on,” she urged, a bit of challenge in her tone. “It’s the only way to get through.” She stepped back and used her uninjured hand to heal the cut across her palm as she waited for him to act.
Manny glanced between the knife and Sera, who gave him an encouraging nod.
Just as Elyse had, Manny stepped to the door and sliced his palm open. He laid his hand flat on the door, which replied with a shimmer of light.
Killian took a step toward the door, as if entranced. “What is all this?” he asked, his brows furrowed.
“This,” Elyse said, jerking her chin toward the door, “is what I designed for Zubir. The door is bewitched. It uses your blood to read your intentions. If you plan to harm Zubir in any way, then you cannot enter.”
Killian stared down at Elyse as the sun glowed behind him, casting a halo around his face. “You did this?” he asked, a hint of amazement in his voice.
Elyse shrugged, though Killian’s fervent gaze made her heart stutter. “It’s nothing.”
“Give me your hand, Manny,” Sera called. Still looking a bit bewildered, Manny maneuvered across the small dock toward Sera, who began healing his hand.
Killian took the knife from Manny and strode confidently toward the door. One by one, they sliced their hands and pressed them to the door, marveling at its glimmering magic. When everyone’s hands were healed, they gathered in front of the door, waiting as Elyse reached for the handle.