Page 63 of Of Blood and Roses

“So you’re saying,” Sera began, a tinge of aspiration in her voice, “that if we get a sample of angel’s blood, Elyse can make a compass that points toward other vials? And help us find Ymaritis?”

“Yes—well, no,” Killian corrected quickly.

He pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket and unfolded it. The edges were softened and worn, as if it had been folded and unfolded many times. Elyse sat up straighter, trying to get a better look at the bright colors scattered across the paper.

Killian continued eagerly. “I have this map, and it shows all uses of magic across the kingdom, with different colors for different intensities. So I was thinking,” he paused, looking wishfully toward Elyse, “that you could use a similar magic to help pinpoint where the other angel’s blood might be.”

Elyse considered his idea. She could make a compass no problem. A map would be slightly more difficult, but the essential spell work was the same. “I think I can do it,” she said, beaming at him.

“Of course you can,” Killian said, as if he’d never doubted her.

“Who do you know that sells angel blood?” Jaime asked. He sounded skeptical as he stepped an inch closer to Elyse’s bed.

“It’s a long story,” Elyse sighed. “His name is Zubir. He’s… a bit of a loner.”

Calling Zubir a loner was a bit like calling a shark a fish. It was technically correct, but didn’t truly encompass the severity of the creature. Still, she didn’t feel like divulging all of Zubir’s oddities—especially when she’d been sworn to keep a particular one secret.

“A loner like you?” Killian asked.

Elyse made a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scoff. “Devil’s horns, no. His property is surrounded by wards, and you can’t use any magic there at all.”

“Your shoppe was surrounded by wards,” Sera pointed out, “as are many homes.”

“Yes,” Elyse agreed. “My wards extended about a hundred yards from the shoppe. The quickest way through his wards is a five mile hike.”

Manny let out a low whistle. “Sounds like a right loon.”

“He’s definitely odd. But he owes me a favor, so he’ll help us out,” Elyse explained as succinctly as she could.

“Great.” Killian was grinning at her again, his excitement contagious. “Now what do you need to get better?”

“Nothing—I’m fine now.” Elyse tried to hide her agony as she made to pull her covers off. She didn’t want to waste a second lying around, not when the summer solstice was only a day away.

Killian raised a hand, stopping her movement. “No. If we’re going to have any chance at defeating Ymaritis, we need you at full strength—or close to it,” he said, using his lieutenant’s voice. “So tell us, what do you need?”

His gaze was unrelenting, so Elyse glanced toward Sera for support.

“Don’t look at me!” Sera laughed. “I agree with him.”

Elyse looked toward Jaime, who nodded his agreement as well.

“Fine,” she sighed. “A few potions and a couple hours of rest ought to do it. But—” She held up her finger and immediately regretted it, stifling a grunt. “Only if you agree to get some rest as well. You all look like hell.”

Manny grinned. “I won’t argue with you on that.”

“Three hours then—will that be enough?” Killian asked. Not harsh, just sincere.

Elyse nodded, then looked toward Jaime. “I think you should have most of the ingredients I need here.”

“Sure, I’ll get you whatever you need,” Jaime answered. He paused, then looked around the room. “Actually, I’d like to have a word with you—privately.”

“Okay,” Elyse said tentatively, noticing the look exchanged between Killian and Manny.

Everyone else filed out of the room, wishing Elyse to feel better soon, and leaving Jaime standing alone by her bedside. He settled onto the mattress and stared intently at her, as if he couldn’t believe she was really there. His overly sympathetic gaze made her uncomfortable, and she shifted on the bed.

“I’m just so glad you’re okay,” he breathed.

A lump formed in Elyse’s throat, preventing her from replying. She was, of course, glad to be okay as well, but not without a certain amount of guilt. The woman’s screams replayed over and over in her mind, and though she hadn’t seen her hit the ground, she knew without a doubt that she had not survived.