Page 54 of Of Blood and Roses

“Come on,” Killian said, touching her shoulder lightly. “Let’s head back.”

She nodded and looked up at him, a pitiful smile on her lips. She might have been trying to comfort him, but her eyes told another story. A story of the anguish that was to come.

He dropped a few silvers on the table—courtesy of Elyse—and reached for Sera’s elbow. She let him guide her out of the crowded tavern, her posture devoid of its usual vivacity.

“Tell me about your family,” Killian requested quietly as they stepped into the street. He wanted to cheer her up, though admittedly he didn’t know much about her. He hoped that her family wasn’t a sore choice of topic.

She sidled closer to him, avoiding a couple that groped each other openly.

“My family isn’t nearly as exciting as you might think,” she said casually, though her eyes gleamed with pride. “They’re still in Otsuk, where I was born.”

Killian had assumed Sera was from Otsuk but had never confirmed it. The lesser kingdom was known for its beautiful women with hooded eyes and hair the color of ink, features that Sera wore well. “Is your mother also a seer?” he asked. “I heard the gift is passed predominantly through women, for whatever reason.” He didn’t mention that it had been Elyse who told him.

“She is,” Sera affirmed, nodding with a small smile.

“So she tells fortunes, like you?”

“Not exactly,” Sera answered, her smile growing. “She uses her talents a bit differently. She’s a political advisor to the Duke of Shenwil.”

“Oh.” Killian looked at her with eyes full of surprise, and Sera laughed at his candor. It was difficult for him to imagine her mother in a position of power, when Sera seemed far too free-spirited to give a damn about bureaucracy.

“Otsuk is more accepting of magic than Rhodan,” Sera explained. “The Duke is happy to have her assistance.”

“I’m sure he is. And your father? What does he do?”

Sera bit her lip, suppressing a grin. She looked at him sideways before admitting, “He is the Duke of Shenwil.”

Killian let his jaw fall open. “What? How have I not known this?” Beneath his shock was a surge of guilt. He hardly knew anything about the woman his best friend had been seeing for months. He’d hardly made an effort to learn.

Sera shrugged. “It hasn’t come up in conversation.”

Because I never make conversation, Killian thought. Aloud, he said, “How did you wind up in Rhodan? You could have followed your mother’s path.”

Sera shook her head adamantly, as if repulsed by the thought. “Oh no, I would never.” She looked around with awe at the numerous drunkards stumbling around them, gesturing her free hand toward them. “I enjoy this far too much. Interacting with different people, reading them and sharing in their joys.” She smiled wistfully at a cheery group of young men. “My purpose is to give people hope and direction. I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

“I could use some hope and direction right about now,” Killian mused quietly.

Sera gave him a warm smile, and together, they made their way back.

Chapter 34

- Elyse -

The rose was immaculate, its petals the richest red, its stem a vibrant green. It shimmered, enchanted by the sparkling light of the chandeliers.

No one spoke. No one even breathed. The room was violently still as all stared at the artifact.

“It’s beautiful.”

Mr. Grayson was the one to break the silence, his words echoing into Elyse’s soul.

“Indeed, it is,” breathed Professor Belledieux.

“But—is it real?” came Royce’s voice.

Elyse was certain it was real. If it wasn’t, it was the best damn reproduction she’d ever seen. There was just something about it, something ethereal, that declared its veracity.

Even so, she was curious. She wanted a taste of its power.