Elyse used the moment to sense the wards, getting a feel for what she would be up against. Her magic brushed against a protective wall that surrounded the dais, safeguarding the artifacts and the man accompanying them. The wall was complex, like layered bricks, but not impossible to tear down.
“Are you ready?” she asked, turning her gaze on Manny.
His answering smile was roguish. “I feel like I’ve been preparing for this my whole life.”
Elyse couldn’t help but smile back at him, her anxiety transforming into excitement.
The stout man on the dais raised his arms, signaling for everyone’s attention. “Thank you all for coming to this auction, and thank you Professor Belledieux for hosting,” he called out to the room.
Belledieux waved his hand as the attendees politely applauded him.
When everyone quieted down again, the man continued. “I will be auctioning off these items on behalf of my employer, who has decided to part ways with them in exchange for your generous offerings.”
“Who is his employer?” Manny asked Jaime in a low voice.
Jaime just shrugged. “He’s selling them anonymously.”
That was curious—but fortunate for them that this mysterious person had decided to sell the rose.
“Funds will be collected at the end of the evening, and you will be given your purchased artifacts along with letters of authenticity,” the man added. “If you wish to bid on an item, simply raise your hand.”
Seemed easy enough. Elyse glanced around at the others, noting their eager looks. She guessed that Mr. Grayson planned to bid on the gloves, but she wondered what everyone else was after. Who was interested in the rose?
“Without further ado, we shall begin!” the auctioneer announced.
Elyse felt goose pimples shiver across her skin. Her magic was clawing at her, ready to act, but she kept it at bay. According to Jaime, there were still two other items to be auctioned off before the rose.
The auctioneer waddled over to the first chest, and the small crowd fell intensely silent as he unlocked it and opened the lid. “The first item is a rare beauty,” he proclaimed. “A gold necklace encrusted with enchanted rubies that will protect the wearer from curses.”
He displayed it proudly, letting the pendant dangle from his hands. The enormous ruby sparkled in the candlelight, its brilliance undeniable. Elyse gasped, her eyes transfixed on the gem. She wasn’t one for jewelry, but this necklace… It was mesmerizing.
“May I see it?” she asked, taking a step closer to the dais.
“Of course, milady,” the auctioneer crooned, beckoning her forward.
As if summoned by its beauty, Elyse marched toward the necklace. She ventured closer, as close as the wards would allow her, and nearly forgot how to breathe. The necklace was even more stunning up close, the gold exquisite, the ruby pristine. She could barely bring herself to step away from it, but she forced herself to walk back to the others as the auctioneer gave her a simpering smile.
“The starting bid will begin at one hundred thousand gold coins,” he declared.
Reality backhanded Elyse across the face. One hundred thousand gold coins? She couldn’t fathom paying that much for any piece of jewelry—not even one that broke curses. And yet…
Ymaritis raised his hand.
“That’s one hundred thousand, do I have one-twenty?” the auctioneer bellowed.
Elyse glanced back at the breathtaking jewel. It would be absurd if they didn’t bid on anything, and she wouldn’t risk taking the gloves away from Mr. Grayson…
Before she could fully think it through, she raised her hand.
“One hundred twenty thousand! Can I get one-forty?”
Manny and Jaime both gave her looks of subtle surprise, but neither said anything. She took that as affirmation to continue.
Belledieux raised his hand next, and the auctioneer shouted, “One hundred and forty thousand! One hundred forty, can I get one hundred and fifty?”
Elyse immediately raised her hand.
“Two hundred,” Ymaritis called out in his deep voice, gesturing toward the auctioneer.