Page 15 of Zero Pointer

“Noted.” I finished my beer in a long pull and headed for the kitchen, looking over my shoulder at him and held out a hand.

“Are you asking me to fucking dance? Put that down.” He waved a dismissive hand.

I flicked my fingers impatiently. “Are you done with your drink, bitch? ’Cause I’m not your fucking maid.”

Beau cracked a full smile, a rarity, and tossed me the mostly empty beer. “It’s yours. Stop being nice and don’t fuck around with Chloe.”

My eyes narrowed.I knew there was more to it.“Why?”

“Because she’s my cousin, and you don’t fuck with my family.”

Oh joy.

“Duly noted. But I’ll still fuck around with her.” I mirrored his crooked grin from earlier and headed back to my room in search of Barclay.

A few extra tidbits of information never went astray.


Two beers, some shittyconversation later, and having my ass groped a half dozen times and I still didn’t know where Chloe was. Taking up residence in a hallway where I could watch the door–unless her sister brought her in via the back–I was ten minutes away from begging for the sister’s number from Barclay. Asking Beau was out of the question.

A favor like that I’d hold in reserve for a very rainy day, because Beau Bennett’s deals were the lifetime in hell sort with a toll that looked easy to repay until it wasn’t.

Music pulsed around us in a hedonistic beat that thrummed through every person in the Kingsman House, unravelling desires. In the main house living area, Beau sat with one girl perched on his lap, her generous tits out in the air, her skirt flicked up for a full display at either side. She pulled his shirt open, playing with his bare skin beneath. Another was on her knees between Beau’s legs, licking, and sucking at each of them, alternatively. Barclay stood in the shadows at the back of the room, a deep scowl decorating his usually easy going face, his drink untouched by his side.

There was some unhealthy rivalry going on right there.

I grinned, knowing he was intent on writing himself off with alcohol, while his revenge could wait until after the party. Either way, I couldn't see a friendship bonding there.

My gaze fitted around the room. Most of the Allstar boys were flirting with cheerleaders who looked fake, or bored, or a bit of both.

And Chloe still wasn't here.

Barclay caught my eye, checking his head towards the doorways. My attention waned just in time to see the sparkling vision of a glittery girl who looks stunning in the sea of blues and greens to match her aquamarine eyes. Chloe's long, tanned legs were tucked into a peacock blue minidress with a slit at one side that flashed her skin enticingly with every step. The rest of the glittering peacock dress curved around her body like a sheath, dipping between her breasts and curving over her bare shoulders. I instantly craved her body in my hands, and to kiss her senseless.

I tipped my head back against the wall, watching but not making a move towards her, needing to drink the feelings that swamped me just looking at her.

My God, I'm so fucked.

And the beer had nothing to do with it. I put the empty bottle beside me as her sister followed her in, wearing what looked like a latex dress, glossed and complete with full-length gloves to her arms, all in some sort of pale blue. The ensemble could've looked cheap, but somehow it didn't, complimenting her curves...or the lack of them. Not my taste, but when I shifted my attention briefly to Barclay, the boy was drooling a puddle at his own feet.

I lifted a shoulder, as if to say, What can you do?He took my advice without another word, striding across the room without so much as a glance in Beau’s direction, and slipped in between the sisters, wrapping a possessive arm around Elisse, whispering something in her ear.

Who knew what he said, but it was enough to free up Chloe from her sister’s clutches, the only girl I wanted to breathe in tonight.

Any fucking night.

Chloe's hair draped around her shoulders and glossy golden waves. My palms itched as I pushed away from the wall, making my way through the crowd towards her. She stopped just inside the doorway, her widened eyes taking in everything and seeking out something.

I slipped between party guests, managing not to wear beer that slopped over the side of red plastic cups and splattered the floor beside me instead. When I was within arm's-length of her, I reached out, brushing my knuckles from her shoulder to her wrist in an undeniably intimate gesture.

Chloe jumped like I bruised her, rubbing her arm with her other hand wobbling on her heels a little.

"Not used to anything other than trainers?" I grinned.

She stared at me, her lips parting on a breath I needed to steal from her. "Nick."

"Did you have another date for the party night?"