Page 91 of Fallen Legacy

When I open my eyes, it’s to meet those dark eyes of the guy who my world orbits around. He’s here. When I went to sleep earlier, I was worried he wouldn’t be here when I woke up. His dark hair is dishevelled, and he looks tired.

“You look awful,” I tell him, reaching my hand out and stretching to run my hand through his hair and tidy it up.

“Hey, Scar. It’s good to see you awake.” He leans in and kisses me on the lips, and my heart skips a beat. It looks like my body isn’t completely knackered from the accident, after all.

“I don’t remember what happened,” I tell him. This brain fog is so frustrating. It is like I know it’s there somewhere in my mind, but it’s evading me.

He takes my hand in his and squeezes it gently. “It’ll come back. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure to remember, Scar. Just concentrate on healing and getting stronger.”

I nod my head. I know he’s right, but there’s something niggling at me. It’s as if there’s something important I should remember, but I can’t. I know it will come, eventually. Doctor Simon explained how the brain often deals with traumatic events, but this didn’t happen when I lost my parents. As soon as I woke up from the accident, I remembered everything, all at once. Maybe it’s better this way though, may be this way I’ll process it in stages when I’m ready.

“I can see the cogs turning in there. Just relax, Scar,” Archer says with a soft smile as he gently strokes my check. He hasn’t stopped touching me since I woke up. It’s as if he needs to touch me to know I’m here and okay.

Nodding my head, I pull my eyes from him and notice Seb and Rafe sitting at the back of the room. “Hey, guys. I didn’t realise you two were here, too.”

Seb snickers and smiling. He winks at me. “It’s okay. We know when Arch is in the room, you see no one else but him.”

I roll my eyes. “I do not.”

“You do,” Rafe says, smiling at me. “Good to see you awake, Little Red. You gave us all quite a scare.”

I nod my head. “You know me, I like to cause drama.”

Seb leaves his seat and comes and sits beside me on my bed. “You? Drama? Never. How are you feeling?”

“Sore and tired and I feel like I’ve been in a car crash,” I jest, and he laughs along with me.

“Scar, talking about your stalker. There’s something you need to know,” Archer announces, pulling my attention back to him. His sombre expression tells me it’s not good news.

“We’ll go get coffee. Do you want anything Little Red?” Seb asks, letting go of my hand and standing to his feet.

“Ooh, I’d kill for a caramel Frappuccino.” I tell him. It feels like so long since I enjoyed one.

“Okay, I don’t think they do those here, but no worries. We’ll hop in the car to the nearest drive through.”

“You’re an angel,” I tell him, and he winks at me.

“I’m no angel darling, but it’s a pleasure.”

When they leave and close the door behind them, I look to Archer to tell me whatever news there is about my stalker. My heart hammers in my chest. Have they caught them?

“Scar, we know who the stalker is,” Archer tells me, taking both of my hands in his. He moves from the chair beside my bed to sit beside me on my bed. “This is going to be a shock and, well, I’m still processing it all myself, if I’m honest.”

“Go on,” I urge him. I just want him to spit it out and rip off the plaster.

“The stalker was two people, not one. Scar, it was my dad and Georgie’s mum.”

I blink. He’s joking, right? “You’re not serious?”

“I am,” he tells me, his face remaining serious and strained. “It turns out Phil and Felicity have been together for a lot longer than we thought. They were together before he even married my mum. They wanted you out of the way so that I would marry Georgie.”

With my brow scrunched, I nod my head, letting him know I’m processing this. “So, all this just because they wanted to wed you to Georgie.”

Archer shakes his head. “It’s far more twisted than that, Scar. Georgie isn’t Callum’s biological child, she’s my dad’s kid.”

My eyes widen at this news. “But that would mean…and you two have…”

Archer sighs, his shoulders sagging like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Don’t remind me.”