Page 8 of Fallen Legacy

He doesn’t seem perturbed. “A Jack then.”

Rafe tilts his head, studying Chester before his eyes meet mine. How does this sly shit know so much about the society? There were only four Jacks. They held higher status than our Clubs. They were our right-hand guys, the ones we trusted above all the Clubs.

“You seem to know a lot about our world, considering you’ve only been here a few weeks,” Rafe comments.

Chester’s lips peel up at the sides. “It’s amazing what Georgie will spill when she’s riding your dick.”

Georgie. I should have known. She can’t keep her mouth shut for shit. I knew something was going on between the two of them after I saw them together a while back.

“You do know what being a Jack entails, don’t you? It means you take whatever orders we give you. We say jump. You say how high.”

He nods his head. “But it also gives me authority over the Clubs and who is selected as a potential and running their challenges.”

“Wow, Georgie really has run her little mouth off,” Seb growls angrily. “How do we know what you have is worth it?”

His cocky grin widens. “Oh, it’s worth it. It’s what she broke into Wilbur’s office for. Sadly, she doesn’t know he keeps some of his files in the safe in his bedroom, but I do. I guess I could have shared that knowledge with her, but where’s the fun in that, right?” He leans across the table and holds out his hand. “Do we have a deal?”

It goes against everything in me, but with a swift nod of my head, I reach over and grip his hand in mine. “You try to fuck us over and I will kill you, Chester, and it will be a slow and painful death.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

I cock a brow and wait.

Smirking, he tells us what he knows. “She wants to find out if her mum had any living relatives. That’s what she was searching for in Wilbur’s office. Instead, she found the folder on her and Kit.”

Vee shakes her head. “I still can’t get over him leaving them in foster care for years.”

“So, what do you know? Is there a living relative?” I ask Chester, keen to stay on point and utilise anything I can to convince Scarlet she belongs by my side.

His lips curl up at the side into a smug smile. He loves holding this power over us. Knowing that he knows something that we don’t and using it to his benefit. “There is.” He reaches into his pocket and slides a piece of paper across the table to me. “You should know, Wilbur paid her off to keep quiet and not make a guardianship claim for Eliza.”

“Wow,” Vee exclaims, looking speechless. “Are there no ends to the depths of his deception?”

Chester yawns and stretches before standing. “Well, this has been a pleasure. I shall look forward to my swearing in ceremony.”

We all watch him saunter through the cafeteria. He takes a seat at the football table. Sitting beside Kit, he ruffles his hair and smiles at him.

“I don’t trust him,” Seb states, his stony face watching Chester.

“He can’t be trusted,” I agree. “We need to keep a close eye on him. Where he goes, who he’s seen with.”

“I’ll call Greg,” Rafe announces, pulling out his phone. He strides out of the cafeteria to make the call away from prying ears.


Istill don’t feel too good. Damon brought me home and made us both some spaghetti bolognaise. Damon had errands to run for his dad, so I’m alone in the house again. I’m curled up on the sofa with my kindle, snuggled under a blanket, when the front door opens and a deep male voice shouts into the house.

“We’re back.” I hear footsteps and banging. I jump to my feet and walk through to the hallway.

“Who the hell are you?” asks a tall, tattooed man with a beard.

“I’m Eliza,” I reply. Shit, is this Silver’s dad? He isn’t supposed to be home until Friday. “I’m a friend of Damon’s.”

The man studies me as he takes off his jacket and passes it to a red-haired woman in her early thirties who is standing beside him. “Are you now, and where is that son of mine?”

“He’s out,” I explain. “He should be back soon.”

The door opens again and a young girl about fifteen, with long blonde wavy hair in a leather jacket and ripped jeans, walks in behind them. “I am so ready to sleep in my own bed tonight.” She comes to a stop when she sees me. “Oh, hi. It’s Eliza, right? You came to grans for Sunday lunch last week?” I recognise her. She’s Damon’s little sister.