Page 71 of Fallen Legacy

Seb shakes his head at me. “I think you like this car more than you like Archers…”

I cover his mouth with my hand. “Don’t say it,” I warn him, and I feel his lips widen into a smile under my hand. “It’s a Monday. Why are you planning a party on a Monday?”

“Duh,” he says, his eyes bugging out of his head. “We have an engagement to celebrate, and that lame get together on Saturday was a poor excuse for a celebration.”

“I’m partied out,” I groan as Archer, Rafe, and Vee reach us. “Tell him Arch, no party tonight.”

Archer grins at Seb. He stands in between my legs and tugs me forward by my waist. “Hey you,” he says to me, smiling down at me in a way that makes my toes curl and my heartbeat ten times faster.

“Hey.” I wrap my arms around his neck, and he leans down and kisses me like he’s been craving me.

“Quit it,” Seb groans, batting Archer's arm. “No one wants to see the two of you making babies in the school car park.”

Archer scoffs like that is an absurd idea. I glance over at Vee, who arches a brow and chews at her lip. If only Seb knew that ship had already sailed.

“It might be nice to let loose for a night,” Archer suggests, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Let’s drink, dance and get fucked up tonight.”

I’m still getting used to a laid-back Archer. He’s normally always so controlled and in check. “Sure thing.”

“Come on!” Seb grins. He cups his hands over his mouth and shouts across the crowded car park. “Beach party tonight people. Be there or be square!”

“How are you even related to him?” I ask Vee and she shakes her head, looking in exasperation at her brother.

“I have no idea how we shared the same womb for nine months.”

* * *

We head hometo the Savage mansion. The security wave us through. Just as we pull up, Edward comes to the front door. He’s dressed in a tailored grey suit, hands in his pocket.

“Everything okay?” Archer asks him as we exit the car.

“A meeting has been called. You and the boys will need to be there for six.”

Archer doesn’t argue, he just nods his head. “Not a problem.”

“Is the meeting for all Aces?” I ask Edward, noticing that he didn’t look my way when he said about the meeting.

“It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with Eliza. You let Archer worry about Aces business.” He smiles at me and turns on his heels and heads back inside, basically dismissing us.

“In other words, be the good little woman and keep your nose out of men’s affairs, Eliza,” I mime pulling my face. “God, women really are just a womb and arm candy in their world, aren’t we?”

Archer pulls me to his side and kisses my head. “Don’t let it get to you, Scar. We’ll have to meet you and Vee at the beach.”

“That’s fine.” I grin, looking up at him. “I can drive us there in my new baby.”

“You don’t want to have a drink?” he asks as we head upstairs to his room and dispose of our bags and shoes. “Nope, it’s a school night. I’m being sensible.”

This brings a snicker from him, and I look at him in mock offence. “I can be sensible.”

“I like you wild and dangerous,” he says, leaning down into my space and dropping a kiss on my lips. “I’m going to get a workout in.”

“Okay. I’m going to run a bath and then it’s Netflix time.”

He leaves me and I sit for a minute and look around the bedroom that is now ‘ours’. It feels so surreal to be seventeen and living in a mansion with my fiancé. Like who the fuck am I and what twilight zone have I slipped in to?

I run myself a bath, and soak in the tub for a good thirty minutes; I run the sponge over my belly and pause. How long will it be before I’m showing? In two weeks’ time, I’ll be 16 weeks gone. I know I need to tell him, and I’m not sure what is holding me back. Whether it’s that I’m scared that he’ll resent me or whether it’s that I don’t want to admit to myself that this is really happening.

My phone rings and I reach over and grab it with soapy fingers.