Dinner is a polite affair. Edward asks me how I enjoyed London, and everyone makes small talk. It’s the epitome of a polite dinner.
“Now that we have enjoyed our food. Perhaps we should talk about the engagement,” Wilbur announces, dabbing his mouth with his napkin. “I’ve spoken with Edward, and we plan to announce it two weeks today. The media will want photos, of course, so we’ll arrange for the local press to attend a celebratory ball.”
Archer nods his head and I feel him squeeze my thigh under the table. “Eliza and I have spoken about the plans, and we’re fine with it. However, we have one thing we’d like to discuss. Well. Actually, it’s not up for discussion,” he says, smiling confidently across the room at the men who think they wield all the power. “Once we are officially engaged, I shall want Eliza to live with me at the Savage mansion.”
Wilbur blanches and clears his throat. “I hardly think that is proper.”
Archer smiles his assassin smile that I have now seen on more than a few occasions. It’s the one that says you don’t want to fuck with me, mister.
“Wilbur, this is not the sixties,” Archer tells him. “Most engaged couples live together before they get married. If you want us to play the loving couple at this ball, then I suggest you understand that I’m not asking. Eliza will move in with me.”
Wilbur adjusts his tie, sizing up Archer before he turns to Edward. “And what do you think about this?”
Edwards bobs his head from side to side casually. “I think it’s a marvellous idea. It will give them time to get to know each other and iron out any differences.”
“I see,” Wilbur says, clearing his throat. “Then I guess she’s moving in with you, but I expect you both here for dinner at least twice a week.”
“Done,” Archer replies, holding up his drink. “Shall we toast to our agreement?”
Wilbur sucks in his lips like he has a foul taste in his mouth as he raises his glass. “To the engagement.”
“To Eliza and me,” Archer says after him, his eyes not leaving Wilbur’s as he takes a sip of his drink.
Everyone retires to the formal lounge for drinks, and I take my chance to escape and get some much-needed fresh air. I feel stifled. I lean against the back of the house and close my eyes. It looks like I’m moving in with Archer.
I place a hand over my belly. I’m nine weeks pregnant now. My scan is in three weeks. I still can’t quite believe there is a baby in there. One that Archer and I made. It’s crazy when you think about it. I smile to myself when I picture Wilbur’s face, when he finds out I’m pregnant before we’re even married. He will not be too pleased about that one. It will be my big ‘fuck you’ moment to savour until I can get dirt on him and destroy him.
“I thought I’d find you out here,” Archer says, and I open my eyes to find him standing in front of me, his hands in his trouser pockets. “Are you okay?”
I scoff. “They have just brokered me like a company asset. Why wouldn’t I be fine?”
He frowns and steps closer into my space. “That’s not what you are to me, Scar. I know you don’t want to be here in this house, so this was my way of helping you escape.”
I laugh and undo the two top buttons on his shirt. “I think it’s more to do with you seeing an opportunity to take what you want as soon as you can.”
“Can’t it be both?” he asks me, looking down and watching me as I run my hands down his chest.
I smile. “Two birds, one stone and all that. I guess so.” I step forward, closing the distance between us. “I’m still not past what you did,” I remind him, as I wrap my arms around his neck. “But as much as I hate you, I hate him more and to not have to live in the same house as him is a relief.”
“Come home with me tonight,” he says again.
“Not tonight,” I tell him, wetting my lips. “You could choose to stay here, of course.”
He cocks a brow. “And if I choose to stay, what’s in it for me?”
“Why, Netflix and snacks, of course.” I tease him.
He frowns. “You’re really going to hold out on me, aren’t you?” he states rather than asks.
“It’s only right,” I tell him as I softly run my lips along his jawline. “You need to earn the right to have me, Archer. Prove that I’m your priority now.”
“You are,” he growls, gripping my hair in his hands and tilting my head so that he can stare into my eyes. “You are, Scar.”
“Time will tell, I guess,” I reply before I remove my arms from around him and take a step back. “I’m tired and done with playing nice for tonight. Are you coming?” I ask, stopping and looking back at him. I hold out my hand.
He doesn’t hesitate. He slips his hand into mine and I guide us through the house, up the back staircase to my room.
I slowly slip backinto the routine of the Alderman residence. I’m back under my grandfather’s control, for now. Despite all my promises that I would never forgive them and let them back in again, I’m spending most of my time with Vee and the three Aces. Some might call me weak. Others might argue that I’m making the best of a bad situation.