Page 21 of Fallen Legacy

“Open the next one,”I tell Damon, with the pitch of my voice bordering on hysterical.

Cursing under his breath, he crouches down in front of me and takes my hands in his. “Princess. You’ve done four positive tests,” he says gently, like he’s scared I might shatter into pieces. “You are well and truly pregnant.”

A tear escapes, and it falls down my cheek, and he wipes it away with his thumb. “I can’t be pregnant. I can’t. He broke me, Damon. He lied to me.”

“I know he did,” he agrees, rubbing his hands over mine in a comforting gesture. “It doesn’t change the fact that you are preggers. It isn’t the end of the world, though.”

“Isn’t it,” I scoff. “Because I can’t see anything positive about this situation.”

He pauses, chewing at the corner of his mouth. “Just because you’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. There are options.”

He’s right. I could have an abortion. “I can’t think straight. I need time to process.”

“Of course you do. I’m just saying this situation isn’t as desolate as you think. You have a choice whether you have this baby.”

I grasp onto Damon’s hands tightly. “He can’t find out, Damon. He’ll be furious.”

Damon tilts his head. “You think? Savage is many things, but he’s not one to shirk his responsibilities.”

“Technically, if I have an abortion, then he doesn’t need to know.”

Damon sighs and he looks at me like he doesn’t agree. “Do you think that’s fair? I know he hasn’t exactly been honest with you, but don’t you think he should know? Whatever you decide to do.”

“No,” I hiss. “He lost all rights to have any say when he lied to me and plotted with his family and mine.”

“Okay,” he says, holding his hands out in front of him. “Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

I lean forward and drop a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you. For being here with me.” I rest my head on his shoulder and he strokes my back. “Promise me, you’ll help me keep this quiet whilst I decide what I want to do.”

“Of course. You know I have your back.” Damon leans up and checks his watch. “We’ve missed first class. Do you want to bunk off today?”

I would love nothing more than to bunk off, but I’ve missed quite a bit of school these last couple of weeks and, baby or no baby, I need my education. “I’ve already missed enough. I’ll go and change quickly.”

Damon nods his head, and I follow him out of the toilet. “I’ll make you some toast. You need to eat and keep your strength up.”

I want to protest, worried I’ll just throw it straight back up, but he’s right, I can’t run on empty. I head upstairs, and in a daze, I pull my uniform out of my wardrobe. I strip down to my underwear and pause in front of the mirror, staring at my stomach. Fuck. There is a baby growing inside of me. I place a hand on my belly and stare at my reflection. Seventeen and pregnant. This is not how I saw my life going.

* * *

We getto school in time for second class. Damon checks I’m okay before he leaves me outside my history class. I take my seat and stare out of the window, lost in my own little world. It’s strange how your entire world can tip on its axis in just one hour. Everything is different now. I’m different. Whatever I decide to do about this pregnancy, I’ll never be the same again. Vee walks in and she smiles longingly at me before she takes her seat. Vee would know what to say right now. She’d arrange a girl’s night, and she’d talk me through my situation and help me see things calmly and with a clear head. I could really do with a female friend to lean on right now.

I head to the cafeteria at lunchtime in a trance. I’m queuing for my food when the smell of bacon hits me, and my stomach turns over. Oh no. Not now. If I keep rushing off to vomit, people will put two and two together. I take deep breaths and, grabbing a cheese sandwich, I rush away from the smells assaulting me. I take a seat at the table I now share with Damon. I see who I assume to be Damon taking the seat opposite me and I look up to smile at him, only my smile drops when I see Archer sitting there.

“What are you doing here?” I don’t have the mental capacity to be around him right now. Staring into his face, my mind drifts to wondering if the baby we’ve made together will have his nose or mine. Fuck. I can’t think like this. I can’t allow myself to think of this baby.

“Are you sick?”

“What?” I squeal. My eyes widen in fear. What does he know?

He frowns at me, looking concerned. “You went really pale for a moment. Are you still not over that bug?”

“I’m fine,” I hiss. “Not that it’s any of your concern.” I frown as I watch him put his plate down and start eating. “You can’t sit here.”

“Make me move then,” he challenges, waggling a brow at me.

I fold my arms across my chest. “Well, I’ll move to another table.”

He shrugs his shoulders, smiling at me. “Then I’ll just follow you. I told you Scar; I’m not giving up.”