“Yes!” Vee exclaims delightedly. “You can change in the car once we get there.”
* * *
Fifteen minuteslater we walk into a swanky looking club in London’s Soho area. The places oozes money and prestige. We walk straight to the entrance, avoiding the long queue to get in and the bouncers, of course, know the boys and let us straight in. A waitress leads us through the club and to the VIP area upstairs where you can look down over the whole of the club. As we walk past one of the other VIP tables, I nearly trip over my own feet when I see a well-known actress at the table. Was this place a celebrity hang out?
The waitress asks what we’d like to drink, and Vee orders a bottle of champagne. Archer asks for his usual Jack Daniels and coke. Vee looks at me like I have grown another head when I ask for water.
“Eliza! Water, seriously?”
“Alcohol will just make me sleepier,” I explain, batting her objections away with my hand.
Archer sends the waitress away with our order and leans into me, placing a hand on my thigh. “Are you sure you want to stay?”
I offer him a reassuring smile. “Yes, it’s fine, and it keeps Vee happy.”
Vee pulls my attention from Archer when she grabs my hand. “Come on, we are dancing.”
I roll my eyes, but I know how persistent she can be, so I let her pull me up and we head downstairs to the main dancefloor. We have to push our way through the crowded space to find a spot to dance. Halsey plays over the speakers and Vee grabs my hips and we dance together.
“I’ve missed this,” she tells me. “I’ve never had a real friend before you.”
My heart pangs in my chest. “I’ve missed you to Vee, but if I’m going to let you back in, I need to know that you’ll always have my back and that I come before any of this Aces shit and even before the boys.”
She nods her head enthusiastically. “I swear. So, do I have my bestie back?”
Smiling, I tell her yes and she grabs me and pulls me into a hug. “I’ll never let you down again.” She pulls away, and she looks up at the VIP area. I follow her gaze and I find Archer leaning on the glass barrier, a drink in his hands. He’s watching us with a smile on his face. “He won’t let you down again either, you know.”
Frowning, I pull my eyes from the hypnotic pull of my dark boy and give her my attention again. “Don’t go there,” I protest.
“Hear me out,” she argues as we both dance to the beat of the new track the DJ is playing. “Archer doesn’t say much, and he’s not good at feelings, but he knows he fucked up.” She sighs and puts her hand over her heart. “I know that guy. I see what others miss. I see the way he looks at you and I’m telling you, Eliza, he’d kill for you if you asked him.”
I scoff. “That kind of commitment comes with loving someone, and Archer Savage doesn’t love. He’s told me as much.”
Vee cocks a brow at me, as if to say,really?“He’s capable of love. Archer just tries to shut himself off to all emotions because that’s how he was brought up, to believe that to care is to show weakness. He might never say it, but sometimes actions speak louder than words.”
I shake my head. I still have my doubts that his intentions are genuine. There was no ignoring that fact that he had to marry me and have a baby in order to inherit his legacy. That’s some pretty powerful motivation to make anyone pretend they care for someone.
I jerk slightly when a hand comes around my waist from behind me. “Hey beautiful, I’ve been watching you from over by the bar.”
I look up behind me to find a blond guy with a confident smile on his face. “That’s nice, but I’m dancing with my friend right now,” I politely tell him, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave me alone.
“Ah, come on gorgeous, just one dance and a drink with me.”
“Thanks, but I’m good.” I try to step away from him, but his hand around my waist tightens, and he pulls me flush against his body and sways his hips into me.
“I think you want to, really. I promise I can show you a good time, baby.”
I attempt to remove his hand from around my waist, but he’s strong and he just laughs in my ear. What part of no does this fucker not get? I’m about to lose my shit and elbow the bastard and tell him to get his hands off me when he’s dragged backwards by the scruff of his neck. I look behind him to see a blood thirsty Archer steaming with rage.
“What part of no did you not get?” he growls into the guy’s ear, his teeth bared.
“Come on, man. She wants me,” the idiot argues, not knowing when to give up and walk away.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to walk off this dancefloor, leave the lady alone and not even glance her way again tonight. If you don’t do as you’re instructed, I’ll personally beat you to a pulp and break as many bones as I can. Am I clear?”
The fool snickers and points at me, and says drunkenly, “She’s no lady. I bet she offers it out on the weekly.”
Uh-oh. I see the moment he snaps. Archer still has him by the neck, and he spins him around so he’s facing him. I hear the crack of bones as he pulls back his fist and punches him with force in his face.