I nod my head, chewing on my lip, and jump slightly when I feel Archer’s hand at my hip. “Scar has a natural rhythm, so I’m sure she’ll pick it up, no problem.”
Kayla nods and she looks expectantly at the three boys. “Well, go on. You can all find somewhere else to be. She won’t be able to relax properly and let go with you three watching.”
Seb groans as he stands from the dining chair, and he readjusts himself in his pants. No guesses needed what effect that lap dance has had on him. Archer bobs his head side-to-side. “I think I should stay. I need to know that she’s ready and that she can handle this.”
Kayla folds her arm over her chest and shakes her head at him. “No, she’ll be distracted. I mean it. All of you out and don’t come back until at least four thirty.”
I hold my hands out and shrug as if to say, ‘you heard her.’ Sighing, Archer grabs his car keys and gestures for the other two to follow him and at last it’s just us girls.
“Okay, Vee, you can be our sleazy politician. Take a seat,” Kayla tells her, gesturing towards the empty chair.
Vee squeals excitedly and throws herself into the seat. “Ooh, I’ve never had a lap dance before. Better make it one to remember Eliza,” she jokes as she gives me a ‘come hither’ with her hands.
“Honey, I’m going to be the best you ever had,” I reply with a wink as Kayla starts the music.
* * *
It’sa couple of hours later and I’ve just gone through the routine one last time. Kayla’s confident I can nail it and she agrees with Archer that I have a natural rhythm. The boys arrive back just as we’re enjoying a coffee on the sofas.
“All done? Is Little Red ready to get our target all hot and bothered?”
Kayla nods her head, grinning. “She’ll do great. Oh, that reminds me, you need your outfit,” she says, wagging a finger as she stands and reaches into her bag. She pulls out a pair of tiny white pleather shorts and then hands me two red glittery nipple tassels.
“That’s it?” I gawp.
“Yes,” she replies, waiting for me to take them out of her hands. “I didn’t bring heels, as I assumed you’d have some with you.”
“I’ve covered the heels,” Archer announces, holding up a black shopping bag.
I shake my head. “How do you even know my size?”
He shrugs his shoulders as he hands me the bag. “I know all your measurements, Scar. Made it my business to know.”
I look in bewilderment at Vee, who just smiles back at me, like his behaviour is completely normal. “I’m thinking you are my stalker, after all.”
He frowns at my mention of the elusive stalker. “Talking of our problem. Have there been any more parcels or messages?”
“Nothing,” I confirm as I stick my head into the bag and see a pair of silver, sequined heels. The heel height alone must be five inches! God help me trying to dance sexy in these things.
“Interesting,” mumbles Rafe from where he sits scrolling on his phone. He looks up when he realises everyone’s attention is on him. “I just find it fascinating that since you left the Alderman mansion, there have been no more threats. It’s as if he or she has got what they wanted.”
Archer furrows his brows as he considers what Rafe has suggested. “Which would suggest that their aim was to get Scarlet to leave the family home.”
“So could it be someone who thinks she’ll be disinherited, maybe?” Vee asks.
“Like Chester and his mum, perhaps?” Seb suggests from where he sits sucking on a lollypop.
“Or,” says Rafe, turning his attention back to his phone, “someone who knew about the engagement deal and doesn’t want the two families joining and becoming closer allies.”
“Like, Georgie,” I state and give an ‘I told you so’ look to Archer. He opens his mouth and I inwardly groan. If he’s going to defend her again, I’m going to kick him in the balls.
Rafe shakes his head and rubs at his chin. “No, I don’t know. I think we’re missing something here. I guess when Little Red moves back home we’ll know if the threats start back up again.”
I shudder and rub my arms with my hands. “I hope not. I don’t want any more creepy gifts.”
“Have you informed the police?” Kayla asks, looking shocked and concerned about the news of my stalker.
“Yes, they know and are investigating, but so far they’ve got nothing,” Archer tells her, and I can tell from his tone of voice that he isn’t at all impressed with the police investigations so far.