Smiling, I allow her to guide me away from Damon and his brother. She leads me over to a small group of women who are sitting under a gazebo, all laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
“Everyone, this is Eliza. She’s Day’s friend from school and no, before anyone asks, she’s not one of the posh ones.” Emma points to a lady in her mid-forties with long dark hair and a friendly smile. “Eliza, this is my auntie, Ruth. Next to her is my little sister, Milly. The two at the end are my cousins, Megan and Eve.”
“Nice to meet you all,” I say with a little wave. “I didn’t know Damon had so many siblings.”
Emma laughs. “There are six of us. Our older brother, Christian, hasn’t arrived yet. He’ll be here with his rabble soon. Our other sister, Faye, lives in Spain, so we only get to see her on the holidays.”
Silver’s gran shouts for everyone to get seated before she plates up. Emma guides us over to a large table that is big enough to comfortably seat thirty people. Silver gestures for me to sit beside him, and Emma takes the seat next to me. She introduces me to her husband, Nick, when he comes and takes a seat opposite her. He’s carrying a lively twin under each arm. The twins are adorable. They both have curly blonde hair and blue eyes. They have flushed cheeks from running around in the fields playing. The family dinner is heart-warming to observe. They all are so warm and comfortable in each other’s company; I enjoy sitting and watching the family interact as we eat. It stirs that longing in me to feel the love and warmth of a family unit. I feel more alone than I have ever felt sitting here at this table.
After lunch, the guys take the twins to play football on the field, with Frank groaning that he’s too old for this, but joins them despite his protestations. I help Emma take the pots through to the kitchen and Emma orders her grandma to sit outside with a beer whilst she washes up. I offer to help and despite her insisting I am a guest; she agrees to let me dry. From the kitchen window above the sink, we can see the boys playing football.
“So, Eliza, tell me more about yourself. Because even though you are just friends with my brother, you are exactly the type of girl we’d want him to bring home one day.”
“There isn’t much to tell,” I reply, taking a plate from her hands and trying to steer the subject away from me and my fucked-up life.
“Did you move here with your parents?”
Okay, so we are starting with this conversation. “No. I moved here to live with my grandfather. My parents both died when I was thirteen.”
Sympathy crosses her face as she hands me another plate. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. That must have been so hard for you, especially at that age. What about brothers or sisters?”
“Just the one. My little brother, Kit. He’s fourteen and getting taller by the day.”
Emma laughs. “Tell me about it. I remember the days when Day was smaller than me. I hate how he towers over me now.”
I nod my head in agreement. “Yeah, Kit’s not far off being taller than me, which he takes great joy in reminding me about at every opportunity.” My eyes glisten with emotion from talking about my brother as the events from four days ago run through my mind.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when Emma places a soapy hand on my arm. “Hey, I’m sorry. Did I touch on a difficult subject? If I did, I’m sorry. I’m glad that you felt you could come to my brother when you needed help. He’s a pain in the arse most of the time, but he has a big heart.”
“Ah, it’s fine. It’s just been a rough few days. Damon has been a good friend to me when I’ve needed one the most.”
Emma smiles as she hands me a glass to dry. “Well, you’re welcome here for our family lunches anytime, Eliza. And well, if you ever need a female to talk to, I live just up the road from my brothers. Get Day to bring you over next week. In fact, he can bring you for tea one Thursday. There’s usually a game on, so my brothers usually come round and eat with us and watch the match with Nick.”
“I’d like that,” I reply. Being around Silver’s family today has been bittersweet. In some ways, it has lifted my spirits and distracted me from my thoughts. In other ways, it has been a stark reminder of what I am missing in my life.
* * *
Silver forcingme to attend his family lunch does the trick and pulls me out of my depression. Now I need to decide what I’m going to do next. I can’t just hide away here forever. Damon has been kind enough to let me stay, but I can’t imagine it’s an open invite.
“Where are your parents?” I ask him over breakfast the next morning. Silver is in his uniform, ready for another day at Hawk Grammar.
“My dad is away on business right now. He should be back by Friday.”
I nod my head as I play with the cereal in the bowl. “Does he know I’ve been staying here?”
Silver clears his throat and shakes his head. “Not yet, no.”
“I’ll make sure I’m gone before he comes home Friday,” I blurt out. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”
Silver looks at me from over the table. “It won’t be any trouble. Besides, my dad hates your grandfather and the other three families, so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to get one over on Wilbur by letting you stay here.” He pauses. “Plus, where else are you going to go, princess?”
“I’m sure I could sort something out.”
“Look at me princess,” he orders me. “You’re staying here for as long as you need to. Okay?”
My heart clenches in my chest. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d have done if I didn’t have you as my friend.”
Damon sighs as he offers me a half-smile. “I need to be clear here, Eliza. I don’t want to be your friend. I want you to look at me the way you look at Savage.” He holds his hand up to silence me when I open my mouth to speak. “I know you’re hurting right now and not in a place to even consider looking at me that way, but I’m a patient guy. I’ll be the friend you need for now.”