Page 29 of Fallen Legacy

He laughs. “What are they going to do?”

I don’t laugh along with him. “You’ve heard the rumours, right? Well, they’re all true. You obey a call, or they’ll make you pay. This society has the power to make people disappear, Damon.”

“I don’t like it,” he says, frowning. “At least let me drive you up there and wait for you?”

I shake my head firmly. “No, not a chance. Besides, no one is supposed to know where the lodge is. I’ll order a taxi.”

“If they knew you were pregnant, I bet they wouldn’t summon you like this,” he growls, looking really unsettled.

“Well, they don’t and besides, what’s the worst they could want me for?”

An hour later, I take the key they gave me on the night of my swearing in ceremony and unlock the door. A masked man takes my coat, and silently gestures for me to follow him. We don’t go towards the room where they held my ceremony, instead he heads in the opposite direction and up a small flight of stairs. The place is eerily quiet.

We come to a stop before two double doors, and he raps loudly twice. A firm voice calls for us to enter. The man opens the door and stands to the side, holding it open for me. He never once makes eye contact with me. It’s like I don’t exist.

I walk into the dimly lit room and falter when I see who else is here.

“Eliza. Take a seat please,” I recognise his voice as the one who conducted my ceremony. They’re all wearing stupid masks again to conceal their identity.

Composing myself, I walk towards where the three Aces are sitting and take the empty seat beside Archer.

“We have a job for you all,” the elder announces, and he places a file on the table that sits between us and the four Elders.

Archer reaches forwards and grabs the file. “We’ll do the job. Eliza doesn’t need to help.”

“Eliza will join you on this job,” an Elder states firmly before looking over at me. “It’s time for her to show her loyalty to her Elders.”

Archer frowns as he looks at the contents in the folder and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.

“You’ll go straight from here to the private jet that will fly you out there. Everything you need will be waiting for you.”

“Wait. Tonight?” I say in surprise, and one of the other elder’s glowers at me.

“Do you have somewhere more important to be?”

“No,” I reply with more confidence than I feel. “I just didn’t think it would be tonight. What time will we be back tomorrow?” I have an appointment at the clinic tomorrow at nine. Damn.

The elder who addressed me scowls deeply. “What time you are back is irrelevant. We will inform the school of your absence, and you’ll be back when you have completed your mission.”

“You may leave,” the one sitting to the left tells us, and I get to my feet when the boys do. “Oh, and Archer, you need to teach your mentee better manners.”

Archer simply nods his head and places his hand on my lower back as he ushers me out of the room.

“You need to teach her better manners,” I mimic as we walk down the stairs towards the exit. “Who does he think he is?” I snipe.

Archer grabs my wrist and pulls me to a stop, placing his hand over my lips. “Not here, Scar. The walls have ears in this place.”

I’m about to tell him to get his hand the fuck off me when the front door opens, and I see a car waiting out front for us. It’s Archer’s.

Seb slings an arm over my shoulder. “Looks like you’re coming to play tonight, Little Red. I hope you’re a talented actress, because for this job you will need to be.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I growl, eyeing him with suspicion.

He simply winks. “You’ll find out in good time.” He removes his arm, following Rafe into the back of the vehicle, leaving me to sit up front with Archer. Tutting, I climb inside and close the door.

“Aw, it’s like old times. The four of us are together again,” Seb says from the back. “Admit it, you’ve missed this, Little Red.”

“Like a hole in the head,” I grumble as I pull on my seat belt. My phone pings just before Archer starts the engine. I pull out my phone and look at my screen. It’s Damon checking to see if I’m okay. I look up to find Archer watching me, a frown marring his perfect face.