“Aces. We gather here today as a motion of change has been submitted with ten supporting votes. Would the challenger please step forward.”
Archer lets go of my hand and walks to the centre of the room, turning to greet the members. “My fellow members. I, like many of you, have grown up as part of this society and its rules. I have abided by them and done the bidding of my Elders. Recent revelations have made me question the ways of our society and the path which our Elders have made for us. Our society is built upon blackmail and veiled threats. We are told who to marry, who to kill, who to do business with. I stand before you today to motion that the Elders be removed as the leaders of our society.” Archer holds his hand out and I step forward and walk over to him to hand him a USB stick.
Archer holds the stick up in his hands. “On this USB is every file the society holds on each of its members. Tonight, we will erase these files and you will be free to choose to be part of a new society or to leave all together. We have the only files. The originals have been deleted from every source the Elders have. This society will no longer use blackmail to make its members bend to its will. The society will return to one that’s soul focus is to better the lives and businesses of the Bay’s inhabitants on both sides of the village.”
“This is ludicrous,” Wilbur hisses, getting to his feet and glaring across the room at Archer. “This society is what it is today because of your current serving Elders. Without us, the society’s power will dwindle to nothing. The boy doesn’t know what he is talking about.”
“You have no power anymore, Wilbur,” Archer says. “As we speak, the shareholders of Ace conglomerates are calling for a vote of no confidence in its senior board members. Trust me, the numbers calling for the motion are significant.”
Wilbur smirks. “You stupid boy. The other Elders and I hold the majority shares.”
“I’m afraid that isn’t true, Wilbur,” Edward says, stepping forward and removing his mask. “As of midnight, the majority of my shares have been sold to an independent member. The Elders now only own forty percent of the company shares and, therefore, no longer have the majority vote.”
“You stupid old fool,” Wilbur growls, glaring across the room at Edward. “You’ll regret this.”
Edward shakes his head. “I don’t think I will. My family has suffered terribly at the hands of this society. It’s time to return to the values of our founding fathers.” Edward turns his back on Wilbur and addresses the master of ceremony. “You have your ten votes for the motion. It’s time for the society members to take a vote.”
The master of ceremony swallows and nods his head, not daring to glance over at the other three remaining Elders. “As bound by our society rules. All those in favour of the removal of the Elders from the society please cast their cards in the stone font on my right. All those against the motion, please cast your cards in the font to my left.”
At first no one moves, cautious of being the first one to vote, but then Vee and Seb’s mum steps forward and places her card in the supporting font and this leads to a raft of members following suit. We watch with bated breath as the cards stack up in favour of our motion. Out of all the members gathered here tonight, only three place their cards in support of the Elders. The master of ceremony waits until everyone has voted. Even though its’ obvious the motion has passed he counts the cards in each font.
He bangs his staff on the floor to quieten the room. “The votes have been counted and the motion to remove the current serving Elders has the majority. Elders, please remove your masks and return your keys. Spades, please escort the Elders from the lodge.”
Wilbur jumps to his feet and slings his mask down. “I will not allow it! We made this society what it is today. We are in charge here!”
The master of ceremony gestures with his head to the spades, who are gathered around the edge of the room, and they tackle Wilbur, grabbing him under his armpits. They more or less carry him from the room. Wilbur is shouting and swearing that we’ll regret this as he is removed. The other two Elders don’t fight the spades when they reach for their masks and keys; they instead leave the room quietly. “Now that business is out of the way. Moving forward, our Elders will be selected by member vote,” the master of ceremony announces. “Anyone wishing to be considered must express their intention to run by midnight this Friday. Votes will be cast a week on Friday and the new elder council announced accordingly. In the interim, the Aces will hold overall authority until the election is complete.”
“Now that business is over. Let us make a toast. To the dawn of a new era in our society,” Edward says as a group of servers with trays of champagne circle the room. “Blood of my blood. Kin of my Kin. Now and always.”
I raise my glass and, along with my fellow members, I repeat the words of our society. We’d done it. It had been two years in the making and there had been times when we felt we were fighting a losing battle, but our hard work paid off.
Archer meets my eyes from across the room and we both move towards each other like magnets.
“Happy?” Archer asks me, as he envelopes his arms around my waist and smiles down at me.
“Blissfully,” I tell him. A hand taps my shoulder, and I turn in Archer’s arms to face Edward.
“Both your parents would have been proud of you tonight. I am proud of the two of you.” He looks at us with such love and tenderness, I feel my eyes welling up. We couldn’t have done this without his support.
“Thank you,” I tell him, placing my hand on his arm. “Thank you for believing in us.”
Edward bats my comment away with his hand. “Nonsense. I need to apologise to you both, though. I pushed the two of you into this marriage almost as much as Wilbur did.”
Archer clears his throat. “How can we hold it against you when it gave us this? This woman makes me the happiest man alive. I love her more than words can say.”
I glance back at my husband and beam up at him. When he talks like that about what we have, it blows me away. “It’s true. Yes, I was forced into this marriage by Wilbur and his blackmail, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love your grandson, and I want nothing more than to spend my life with him.”
“Then I am glad we got one thing right in all this,” Edward says as he leans in to kiss my cheek and I surprise him when I step out from Archer’s arms and embrace him in a hug.
“Oh, my dear. You are too kind. I have to ask, does this mean you’ll be moving out and leaving this old man to rattle around in his mansion?”
Archers pulls me into his side and winks at me. “Actually, we have decided to stick around. Kit is hopefully moving his stuff in as we speak and as Jenny has decided to retire, we were hoping Edith and her family could come and work for us.”
Edward’s eyes light up at our news. “I think that is a splendid idea. And maybe in a few years we can open up the nursery and see it put to use?”
Archer and I both laugh. “Maybe in about five years or so, Edward. I like having your grandson all to myself right now.”
“Edward. Can I steal these two for the evening?” Seb says, grinning as he throws his arm over my other shoulder. His blue eyes are sparkling with the promise of mischief and mayhem.