“I know. I never wanted her to do it, either. I bought the house in Nashville myself, and this house is ours – I love that we’re buying it between us.”
“Me too.”
They both looked up when the front door opened, and a woman around their age walked in.
“Hi. I’m guessing that you’re Tori and Xander. I’m Jade.”
“You guessed right,” said Tori. “Come on in, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“You too,” said Jade.
Xander led them to one of the high-top tables and gestured for them to sit.
“What’s the place going to be called?” Jade asked. “You still don’t have a sign outside.”
Tori laughed. “We’re still working on that. If you have any suggestions, we’d love to hear them.”
“Not off the top of my head, but if inspiration strikes, I’ll let you know.”
Xander pulled one of the stools closer to Tori and sat beside her so that they were facing Jade. “So, Damon said that you’ve been helping him out behind the bar in Taryn’s restaurant?”
“That’s right. I asked Taryn, and she’s happy to give me a reference if you want one.” Jade looked around. “I can’t believe how much of a difference you guys have made in here in such a short time. I think this place is going to be awesome. Everyone was so excited when the wine bar opened, but it was a flop pretty much from the beginning.”
“Well, we don’t intend for it to flop again,” said Tori. “Are you used to working a busy bar?”
“I am. I mean, Taryn’s place isn’t usually that busy, although there have been times over the summer when it was manic. I used to work at a bar back home in Bakersfield,” she frowned. “I can probably get them to give me a reference if you want one, too.”
Tori shrugged. “If you’re still in touch with them, that’d be good. But you’ve had enough recommendations from people we know around here that I think we’re happy to give things a trial run, right?” She looked at Xander.
“Yeah, that’s probably the best way to go.”
Jade turned toward him, but Tori continued, “We’re thinking that we’d like to have you work four nights a week to start with. We’re opening next Tuesday, and then the big grand opening is on Saturday. So, that first week would be five nights. After that, we can see how things are working out, and then sit down and discuss where we go from there. How does that sound?”
Jade grinned. “That sounds perfect to me. I’m happy to work as much as you need me while you’re getting established. I don’t expect that you’ll need me as much over the winter, and that’s fine by me.” She frowned. “I should probably warn you that I’m not a great long-term prospect.”
Tori chuckled. “That probably works out well. We know that we’ll need you more in the beginning, and less over the winter. And who knows by spring?”
“Well, that suits me just fine.” Xander didn’t like the way she looked at Tori. He tensed, wondering what she was about to say.
“Do you mind if I’m honest?” she asked.
“Go ahead. I prefer it,” said Tori.
Xander nodded his agreement, but he wasn’t sure that he wanted to hear what she might have to say.
He was surprised when Jade turned to him with a smile. “Don’t worry; it’s obvious that you want to protect your woman, but there’s nothing to protect her from – not from me, anyway.” She turned back to Tori. “All I wanted to say is that having met you, I’m really looking forward to working with you.”
Tori gave her a puzzled smile. “And you weren’t looking forward to it before you met me?”
Jade chuckled. “That’ll teach me, won’t it? The only thing I had to go on was that Dallas and Logan said that you’re more like my sister, Amber, than like me.”
Tori gave her an inquiring look, but Xander knew what she meant.
Jade shrugged. “I’m a bit more in your face, and Amber’s more of a shrinking violet.”
Tori laughed. “Oh, I see! Yeah, I’m never going to be described as in your face; I’m not the world’s most assertive person.” She glanced at Xander, and he rested his hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze. “But I do life my own way – and I’m no shrinking violet.”
“I can see that.”