“I was going to say I’ll meet you at the café if you want.”

Xander smiled to himself. “No. Hang tight. I’ll come to you. I have to pass her store to get there.”

It only took a few minutes to walk from the wine bar down to Laura’s store. When he stepped inside, Laura greeted him with a smile.

“Hey. Is Tori with you?”

“No. She’s over at the resort, hanging out with Kenzie.”

Laura’s eyebrows shot up. “Tori and Kenzie? Since when are they friends?”

He had to laugh. “I know they don’t exactly strike you as kindred spirits, do they? But Kenzie took a shine to Tori as soon as they met. She also offered to give her some pointers for when we open the bar. Tori’s calling it The Kenzie School of Bartending.”

Laura laughed out loud. “Oh my God! I love it! It’s perfect. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Tori’s awesome, and I don’t think she’ll have any problems working the bar at your new place.” She frowned. “Do you?”

He shook his head. “I don’t. It’s like she says herself, she might not be the most assertive person in the world, but she has her own way with people.”

“That’s how I see her,” said Laura. “Although, I’d love to be a fly on the wall for some of Kenzie’s tips.”

They both turned when the door from the back opened, and Smoke stuck his head around it. “What’s going on?” he asked with a puzzled smile as he came out to join them.

“Get this,” said Laura. “Tori’s not here because she’s taking classes at The Kenzie School of Bartending.”

Smoke smirked. “Now that I would love to see.”

“That’s what I was just saying,” said Laura.

“From what she tells me, she’s loving it, and she and Kenzie are getting along like a house on fire.”

“I can see that,” said Smoke. “Kenzie’s… Kenzie’s just Kenzie, and Tori’s…”

Xander was curious to hear how he would describe her.

“Tori’s smarter than the rest of us put together in her own quiet little way. She’s been like that since she was a kid. She was smaller than the rest of us – younger – but she was so self-contained, always happy to do her own thing.”

Xander grinned, and Smoke slapped his shoulder. “What – you thought you were the only one who could see that?”

“I guess I did. Everyone seems to treat her – think of her – as if she’s … I don’t know, delicate?”

Smoke laughed. “If they do, then they’re fools. And Tori’s the one fooling them. You guys should come over for dinner one of these nights.”

“We will. It’s just figuring out when. With all the work on the bar, and getting the business side of things set up, it’s been hectic.”

“And have you done anything about finding a place to stay yet?” asked Laura.

Smoke gave her a puzzled look. “Cam and Piper have said that they can use their place for as long as they like.”

“I know. I just wondered.”

Xander cocked an eyebrow at her. “Has Tori talked to you about the Flanagan house?”

Laura chuckled. “Guilty as charged. I didn’t like to say anything, though. I didn’t know what you’d make of the place.”

“I like it – and not just for Tori’s sake. The turret is a bit … out of the ordinary.”

Smoke laughed. “That’s a polite way to put it.”

Xander shrugged. “What do you want me to tell you? It’s quirky. So’s Tori. I love her, why wouldn’t I love the house?”