He grinned at her. “What?”
She squeezed his hand. “I like this.”
He squeezed back. “I do, too. I’ve always liked it, but I like it even better now that you get it.”
She chuckled. “I thought you were just being friendly before.”
He rolled his eyes at her. “When have you ever seen me hold hands with one of my friends?”
She had to laugh. “Yeah, I can’t see Slade being happy about that – or Kolby, for that matter.”
“They’d probably break my fingers if I tried. But think it about, sprite. I’m friends with Callie, too. You never saw me hold hands with her. And back here, I’m friends with Willow – and with Molly and Chelsea – we’ve been friends all our lives, but I’ve never held their hands.”
She gave him a guilty little smile. “I suppose it was just one more thing I told myself because I didn’t believe that you were into me.”
All her breath caught in her chest when he winked at her. “I’m into you.”
She was surprised at herself that she’d admitted to him that she liked sex. It wasn’t something she normally shared with a guy – not in words anyway. It kind of became obvious once the relationship progressed to that point.
When they reached the SUV, he backed her against it and caged her in with one arm around her middle and the other resting on the doorframe above her head. She loved the way he did that. It made her feel safe – as though he was creating their own little cocoon, and inside it nothing could touch her – nothing except him.
He dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers. “Where do you want to go?”
Her heart pounded. She’d been hoping that he might just take her where she wanted to go – to bed.
“I’m trying to be a gentleman here. I don’t want to rush us into anything.”
She gripped a fistful of his shirt. “I am soo ready!”
He kissed her again. “Glad to hear it, but …” He frowned.
That wasn’t the reaction she’d been hoping for. “But what?”
He gave her a rueful smile. “It’s not so much but what as but where.”
“Oh!” He had a point. She could hardly take him back to the estate with her. Well, she could. There was absolutely no reason not to. No one would mind. No one would say anything. But it just wouldn’t feel right. She wouldn’t be able to relax. And it would be the same for him.
He confirmed her thoughts when he said, “I wouldn’t have a problem taking you home with me. Jacob wouldn’t mind – he probably wouldn’t even notice. But I can’t see you being comfortable with it – and to be honest, I don’t think I would be either. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a problem with everyone knowing that we’re seeing each other – I want to tell them all. But I don’t think either of us is comfortable with them knowing about – and being under the same roof for – our first night together.”
She made a face. “No. You’re right. It just wouldn’t be …” She shuddered. “I feel so dumb now!”
“Because we had all that time in Nashville, and then on the road, and in Montana, too.” She ran her hand up his arm. “All those nights that we spent together already, and we didn’t make the most of them.”
She loved the way he smiled as he ran his hand over her hair. “Those nights were perfect.” He chuckled. “I won’t lie. They were frustrating as hell for me. But I wouldn’t give them back. And you were not dumb. You did what was right for you at the time.”
He was so sweet! “Maybe. But I want to do what’s right for me now – I just don’t know where we can.” She gave him a shamefaced smile. “I feel a bit brazen but maybe we should do what those kids said.”
He cocked an eyebrow.
“Get a room!”
He chuckled, but he didn’t look comfortable with it, and she was kind of relieved.
“I … don’t get me wrong … I want to. But …” He shook his head.
“No. I know. You’re right. That would feel more like we were just sneaking off to screw.”