How could I forget to get her something? It must reflect on my face, because she laughs.
“It’s okay if you didn’t get me anything—Christmas isn’t your thing.”
“I got you something,” I fib. My thoughts run rampant with ideas for a last-minute gift. I’ll have to figure something out.
“Sure you have, Cael. We might be going on six weeks, but I already know your tells.”
Nevaeh is right to be skeptical as she gives me a peck on the lips and then crawls out of bed for a shower.
The idea comes to me at the click of the bathroom door shutting. The perfect gift to give Nevaeh at a time like this. It’ll sure make her happy.
I grin and reach for my phone to set my plan into motion.
Caelian keeps to his word.We spend the morning indulging in a large breakfast in the sunroom off the west wing where we watch the snow fall through the glass ceiling and wall. After we’ve eaten to our heart’s content, we bundle up and go for a long walk along the trail that leads into the woods.
Other times I’ve been hesitant and even fearful of the woodland surrounding Caelian’s remote estate. His presence makes me feel safe as we wander the trees and snow. He scoops up my gloved hand in his and holds me close to his side.
The frigid air frosts out in front of us. I shiver and press myself closer into Caelian in hopes of absorbing some of his body heat. He radiates so much of it that he begins to feel like a lifeline the farther out we make it.
“A deer,” I gasp.
It emerges from beyond the clearing up ahead, looking svelte on twiggy legs. Caelian’s arm comes around my shoulders, and we stop some distance back to observe the skittish creature.
“It’s a good thing it’s not a wolf,” Caelian says.
I tip my head up for a concerned look at him. He can’t hold in his husky laughter.
“Kidding, Nevi. There are no wolves in these woods… during daylight hours. Most of the time.”
“Caelian, if you keep this up, you’re going to make me pass out. I don’t do well with wild animals.”
“And yet you’ve fallen for me.” He catches me by surprise by nipping at my jaw.
We move on from our trek through the woods and return to the main courtyard outside his home. I crouch low to scoop up a handful of snow and then catch Caelian by surprise from behind. My snowball hits him in the back of his shoulder and garners a stern glare.
Smirking, I play innocent and attempt to stroll away.
Caelian’s not having it. He intercepts me with ease. His strong arms sweep me off my feet and he spins me around ’til we’re collapsing in the snow and I’m breathless from the laughter his ticklish fingers have forced out of me.
“Great, I have snow all over me,” I pant, shoving at his shoulders. It’s no use yet I do it anyway.
He merely grins down at me and then pulls me up to my feet as though he’s decided I’ve had enough of his torture.
“You know, I never had a happy childhood. I was a very sick child and always stuck in bed during holidays,” he explains. He wraps his arms around me from behind and steers me ahead. “But my few happy moments were when I was allowed out on a snowy day like this. My brother and cousins used to race each other in their snow boots. Cristian would always throw himself down on the ground and cry if he didn’t win.”
“And you?”
“I would race too. I’d try to keep up… but I was usually too slow.”
“Your sickness…”
“Yes,” he answers. He bows his head and nuzzles his face to mine. “I enjoyed myself anyway. The crisp air and the icy feel of the snow. I used to like to make snow angels.”