“I’m not taking the fall for your bullshit. You fix this or I’ll find a way to turn it back on you.”
He snorts out a laugh. “What’s the matter? You don’t wanna give up that… that little ballerina of yours? ’Cuz that’s what he wants. It ain’t… you think it’s just about the business changes? HA!”
“Alright, uncle. Time to get off the phone,” comes Coreno’s voice. Sounds of a struggle follow before he takes over the call completely. “Hey cousin. It’s me, Coreno.”
My nostrils flare in irritation. “Yes, I fucking figured that out.”
“Your father’s a little… uh, belligerent right now. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“He knows exactly what the fuck he’s doing! You should know not to involve yourself in matters between the two of us.”
“He’s my uncle. I have every right. I gotta go, cousin. He needs looking after.”
I roar as he hangs up on me. My grip crushes my phone. I drop it to the ground and slam my shoe down onto the screen. A spiderweb of cracks spread across the glass and the phone releases a broken dial tone sound.
The phone means nothing. A new one can and will be bought within minutes.
It’s the rage, the fuckingaudacity, that has me fuming.
My chauffeur asks me what I’d like for him to do.
“Keep driving. Back to the hotel. Like was planned.”
Calculations busy my mind. The many different scenarios that are possible and how they’ll play out. If it’s true that Nero is sending his men to my estate, then the situation is more serious than I anticipated. He’s pissed and he’s not bluffing.
In reality, the Vorones can crush me and my family. Pa knows it. His soldiers know it. I know it, though I’d never go down without a fight.
I have nothing left to lose—I’m on the brink of death anyway. Should he want to escalate this growing feud between our syndicate and his, I’d make the most of the conflict. I’d go down in a fiery, violent, gruesome blaze of gore and glory.
Nero understands this, which is why he’s attempting intimidation first.
He wants Nevaeh back? For what? What doesmia bella ballerinahave to do with a mafia feud?
Nothing. It’s simply to spite me. And in turn, to spite the Ziccardi name. Nevaeh was a special case in Nero’s eyes due to her father’s usefulness, and so now that I’ve bought her, he believes he can use her as a bargaining chip. Some means to exert control over me, which would ultimately be control over Pa and the family.
The matter occupies my mind the entire drive to the Bareiss. I get out the car and stride through the lobby ready to bark more orders to my men about the potential violent conflict we’ve found ourselves.
But it comes crashing to a halt the moment I’m confronted with the sweet face of an angel.
Nevaeh waits for me, dressed in knee-high boots and a peacoat. A beanie sits on top of her head, her eyes bright and a smile on her lips when she sees me.
She looks…excited. For the first time, she’s happy to see me. She’s been waiting on me in the lobby.
The carriage ride.
I’d promised we’d spend the day together. Nevaeh has been looking forward to it.
My rage melts away. I forget about the heightening tensions between me and Pa. Between me and Nero and his army of a family.
All I can focus on is Nevi and making her happy in this moment.
A brute like me—who would’ve ever imagined?
“Nevi,” I say. “How long have you been down here in the lobby?”
“A few minutes. Ms. P brought me down and I’ve been waiting with security. Is that okay?”
“Yes, it’s okay.” I extend my hand for her to take.