“What in the hell is a clutch?” the man asked.
But he didn’t wait for an answer. He picked me up with as much effort as it takes me to pick up a roasted Cornish hen from the fridge. I almost melted in his arms. I had never been manhandled like this before and I don’t know whyitwasn’t on my to-do list.
I wanted to be manhandled. I wanted him to hold me up against the wall, and take me without restraint. For the rugged side to burst through the professional, leaving a primal beast.
But my sense of self-worth quickly caught up to me. If I had my purse, I would’ve beaten him with it. “You put me down!” And he did as soon as he moved me out of the line.
The second he released me, it clicked. Mostly because that had been the second time today a man had touched me, and I was in a bit of a dry spell.
“The man from the platform!” I shrieked. The yell caught the attention of everyone in line, whodidlook at me like I was a crazed woman. The suited man scowled at me. I ignored all of them. “He must have pickpocketed me!”
I needed to find Lucy.
I turned and raced to her, almost running into an elderly lady with a cane. I needed to get to Lucy as fast as I could. Then I hoped we could catch the drifter together.
I found her still on the bench.
“Lucy! We’ve got to go!” I gasped. I was already out of breath.
Lucy stood up with a mixture of confusion and concern on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been––” I cut off.
“What were you shouting about, lady?” I turned around. Sex Suit was back with a scowl.
His eyes flicked to Lucy, and I thought I saw something in his face, like exasperation. But after a breath they flicked back to me.
He also had a coffee in his hand.
I wanted nothing to do with this man. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but Lucy spoke first.
“Hello, Mr. Necci,” she said, and I was so surprised she knew him I forgot to stomp on her foot.
Mr. Necci directed his scowl at her. “It’s just Art.” He turned back to me. “And what were you prattling about? Did you get robbed?”
“I’m not talking to you,” I said, immediately.
The man closed his eyes and worked his jaw side-to-side. “Fuck,” he whispered under his breath.
“Maybe you should tell him, Genevieve,” Lucy said. She eyed him with a side eye and beckoned me like I was missing something.
“I can help,” Art said.
“No,” I said. “It’s none of your business.”
I turned to face Lucy with my back to Art, but as soon as I did, he grabbed my arm and swung me around to face him.
I was about to tell him off for touching me again, but I couldn’t find my words. His mocha eyes drew me in and my mind went blank.
“This whole town is my business,” he said.
“Aren’t you self-absorbed?” Good comeback! “If you’ll excuse me, I need to follow up on my lead.”
“Hold on a second. You said you’d been pickpocketed or lost something.”
I shook my arm free of his hand, and I hate to say that I immediately regretted it. “It’s a clutch.”
“You lost your clutch?” Lucy asked.