Page 116 of Working for the Mob

“No way,” Lance said. “The two of you can’t take on the Valuncia estate by yourselves. That’d be suicide.”

“Then call in some reinforcements,” I said. We had more men than just Henry we could count on. Technically, I employed the only cop in East Lannington. And saving two women from a kidnapping was their job anyway.

Lance grabbed my arm. “We don’t know where they are, how many men are guarding them, or why the Valuncias even took them in the first place.”

“They took them because they’re assholes,” I said, and shook off his arm. “We need to go now.”

“No. We need more information,” Lance said, and turned to the McKnowlton’s. “Cissy, get Jamie home and stay there. We’re all in danger until this blows over.”

“Beg your pardon, sir,” Jamie said, and inched himself out of his seat. “But I’d like to see how this ends. I care more about those two girls than I’m willing to admit. I’m … I’m not going anywhere.”

Lance swore. “Doesn’t anyone listen to me? Henry, get Cissy home. I’m going to call George and report the kidnapping. The kidnapping may have already been reported since it happened in public.”

He walked to the backroom and left me with Henry and the McKnowltons. Jamie was assuring Cissy he would be alright without her and instructed Henry to take her to her sister’s house and lock the doors. Henry led Cissy to the backroom but stopped and faced me.

“Art,” Henry said. “I want to go with you. I want to make those sons-of-bitches pay for what they did.”

The intensity burned behind his eyes. I knew there was no way I’d be able to bench Henry on this one. When I stormed the front stairs of the Valuncias’, I knew Henry would be by my side.

“I’ll make sure you’re with me,” I said, and without a word he guided Cissy out of the back of the store.

That left me with Jamie, who had sat himself back down in his chair. He looked weary beyond his years and ran fingers across his scalp.

“I just don’t know what I’d do if anything happens to those girls, Art.”

The words spoken aloud pushed me to the edge. I couldn’t believe that the last words I said to Genevieve ended in a fight. It was my fault she went to the train station in the first place. If I hadn’t broken up with her, we’d probably be at my place, struggling above the covers right now.

There was nothing in my hands for me to break this time.

“Nothing’s going to happen to them, Jamie. They’re going to be alright,” I said, and wished I believed it myself.

We sat in silence, with Lance’s voice carrying into the dining area. Neither of us could meet the other one’s eye. After a few moments Lance came back in.

“That was George,” he said, indicating Officer Brighton. “They’re gonna send a team of officers here now.”

“So George?” I asked. Lannington never had a reason to employ more than one officer.

Lance nodded.

“Will that be enough?” I asked, but Lance just shrugged.

Then the phone rang.

Chapter 36 – Genevieve

Ropes bound my hands behind my back and a blindfold covered my eyes. At least two sets of footsteps (maybe three) led Lucy and I up metal stairs.

The chances of surviving an abduction were slim to none. At least, that’s what theNew York Worldreported.

I didn’t even think of running.

The building smelled musty and a little acidic. Similar to Mrs. Jenkins’ house. But Mrs. Jenkins’ house was like getting an entire bottle of perfume poured over your head. The Valuncias’ odor hit like a spritz from across the room.

It still made me need to sneeze.

At the top of the stairs, angry hands pushed me along. Footsteps tripped behind me, accompanied by a yelp from Lucy. She must have missed the top stair. I didn’t dare turn around after. I didn’t want another cut lip.

The angry hands turned and thrust me into a chair with my arms behind me. While they tied Lucy to her I tested the bonds, but whoever tied them knew what they were doing. If I lived long enough, I would try again.