Something like falling for Noah Henderson all over again.

* * *

Noah tried his hardest to keep his gaze focused on the road as he made his way toward the Rustic Hearth Café. According to Derek and Clark, who Noah had run into earlier that afternoon, it was Mindy’s favorite restaurant. And while typically Noah would take a woman out to somewhere a little bit fancier, opting for someplace with at least one Michelin Star, he’d known that Mindy wouldn’t be swayed by something like that.

Mindy had always liked the idea of someone knowing her. And to prove that he still did, even after all this time, he’d decided to take her to a place she loved.

He pulled into the parking lot, and Mindy gave him a grateful smile as they both climbed out of the car. Noah took it all in as they approached the wood and stone building, noticing the antique sconces on the sides of it that had lights that flickered like firelight, giving the entire place a warm, welcoming feel.

When they walked inside, the decadent smell of the food washed over him, and his mouth began to water. A waitress walked by in the distance, holding aloft a tray of food, and Noah had to admit it all looked quite a bit better than he had been anticipating.

He and Mindy walked side by side to the hostess stand, and he gave the girl that was standing there his name for their reservation.

“Follow me,” she said with a smile after checking them off her list.

She led them through the restaurant toward the back. There were huge windows there that afforded them a stunning view of the mountains in the distance and would also give them an unobstructed look at the stars that would be dancing in the sky before long. He pulled Mindy’s chair out for her before taking his own.

“So,” she said, giving him a knowing look once they had both placed an order for a glass of wine. “Who told you that this was my favorite place?”

Noah cocked his head to the side. “Who says anyone did?” When she raised one eyebrow pointedly, he chuckled. “Clark and Derek. I ran into them earlier and asked if they had ideas. Since their wife and fiancée both know you pretty well, I figured they might be able to give me a good tip on where to take you.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, it was a great choice.”

Her smile widened, and Noah’s heart swelled with a kind of pride he hadn’t felt in a long time. It wasn’t the pride of closing an important business deal or coming in under budget on a renovation project. It was something deeper and more profound than that—the pride in making someone he cared about smile.

“I’m glad you like it. I’m actually a little nervous,” he admitted. “Even more nervous than I was on our very first date.”

Mindy laughed. “Really? You were nervous on our first date? But you seemed so cool and confident.”

“Only on the outside.” He held his hands up, grinning. “My palms were sweating the whole time.”

The waiter came to take their drink order, then returned a short while later with their wine, setting the stemmed glasses on the table in front of them. He took their food order as well before disappearing again.

As Noah and Mindy sipped their wine, the awkward silence that had sometimes fallen over them when she had first started showing him around Snowy Pine Ridge was completely absent. It was as if the years between them all but fell away, leaving room for the old, familiar comfort of each other’s presence to take its place.

They talked and laughed easily as Mindy told him about her very first Christmas in Snowy Pine Ridge, about a spot in the mountains near the town where she loved to go during the summer, and about her plans for the bakery.

The more she talked, the more that Noah found he loved hearing about her life here. He could see it all in his mind’s eye as she explained it to him, and he felt a pang of regret that he hadn’t been there to witness it.

They were interrupted a short while later when the waiter delivered their food. Noah had ordered the steak frites, while Mindy had opted for an oyster mushroom risotto, and when he bit into his meal, flavor exploded across his tongue. He hadn’t known what to expect when bringing Mindy here, and he had to admit that this was the best food he had eaten in a long time.

“Mm.” He shook his head, dabbing at his mouth with his napkin. “This is amazing.”

“See?” Mindy beamed. “Snowy Pine Ridge may not be a big place, but it doesn’t need to be. Because it’s got everything I need.”

He made a sound of agreement, and they ate in silence for a few minutes, the hallmark of a great meal. Once the edge of hunger was sated, they ate more slowly, falling into easy conversation again. They talked about the upcoming holiday and debated about whether shopping online or in stores for gifts was more fun, then got into a hearty discussion of their favorite Christmas movies.

The evening flew by in a pleasant blur. Noah felt as though one moment they were just sitting down for dinner, and the next, the two of them were filled to bursting, having consumed both dinner and dessert. Mindy let out a yawn, although he could tell she tried to stifle it. But the sound won out as she covered her mouth, giving him a sheepish, embarrassed smile when she was done.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I was up super early for the bakery. And now I think all the carbs are getting to me.”

“Let’s get you home then,” he responded fondly, flagging down the waiter for the check.

Once the bill had been paid, they walked out of the restaurant side by side. His fingertips brushed against hers, and almost unconsciously, he linked their hands. She grinned up at him and didn’t pull away until they were at the car and she needed to slide into her seat.

The drive back to her place felt way too short, and it was the only time when Noah found himself regretting how easy and quick it was to get from place to place in Snowy Pine Ridge. He wanted more time with Mindy, any extra seconds he could get.

He asked her a bit more about Gus as they drove, and she told him what it was like when she got the little guy as a puppy, and how she trained him. Noah laughed out loud as she described some of her favorite outfits she’d dressed the small dog up in.