But her words were cut off when she took in the sight before her.

There were vases of roses everywhere, lining the sides of what looked like a red carpet. Her friends were on either side of it, holding toy microphones and dressed up like reporters. At the end of the red carpet stood Clark, looking handsome in a black tailored suit.

Immediately, Valerie’s eyes began to well up with tears. And then she noticed what was behind the man she loved. It was a banner that had been designed to look like old film from a movie reel, and a scrawling, elegant script spelled out the words,Will you marry me?

The tears that had been threatening to spill over finally did as she walked farther into the room. She wasn’t able to look anywhere else but at Clark as he sank to one knee, pulling out a velvet box from the pocket of his suit jacket.

“Valerie,” he began. His voice was a little shaky, and she loved him all the more for it. “When you first came into my life, it was intimidating to think that this whirlwind of a woman was known by millions of people all across the globe. That she was loved by people near and far for her talent and the way that she brings art into the world.”

Valerie choked back a sob, coming to a stop directly in front of Clark and gazing down at him. He still held the box aloft, but he hadn’t opened it yet, just extending it out to her with a smile as he continued on.

“And yet, the more I got to know you, the more I realized that it only made sense that everyone loved you, because you are the single most lovable person I have ever met in my life. And while you jet across the world, sharing your talent and your love for acting with everyone, I remain in awe of you. Not just for what you offer to everyone else, but for what you bring into the lives of the people who know you best.”

She was full-on sobbing now, tears streaming down her cheeks in fast succession, and she couldn’t even bring herself to raise a hand to wipe them away. Valerie’s heart was pounding so hard that she feared it might pop right out of her chest. And still, Clark continued.

“You fill my life, and the life of every single person in this town with more kindness, more light, and more love than many of us ever thought possible. You breathe life into every single room that you enter. So tonight, here on the red carpet that you’ve walked so many times as the star you are, I want to ask you what’s hopefully the most important question you’ve ever been asked on one of these bad boys.”

He pointed down at the red carpet beneath him, and Valerie held her breath, already nodding as Clark opened the box. She gasped as she took in the ring, a beautiful vintage cushion cut emerald inlaid in a gold band. A perfect replica of an engagement ring from one of her movies—one that she’d mentioned once to Clark that she loved.

It had been an offhand comment, made only about a month after she had moved to Snowy Pine Ridge. And she hadn’t even been entirely certain that he’d heard her. But apparently he had. He’d heard it and committed it to memory, going out of his way to ensure that he brought that exact ring to life for her.

“Valerie Bernard,” Clark continued, tears that matched her own shining in the depths of his warm brown eyes. “Will you make me the absolute luckiest man in the entire world and grant me the privilege of being your husband?”

She laughed, nodding vigorously as she extended her left hand, barely able to squeak out the one word that would become one of the most important that she had ever uttered.


The smile on Clark’s face could have lit up an entire football stadium as he pulled the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. It was a perfect fit.

He stood, immediately cupping her face in his work-roughened hands as he pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped herself in the embrace of this man whom she loved, a man she’d never seen coming, but who had become the single most important person in her life.

The crowd of friends and family around them erupted in applause and a combined cheer of congratulations. But Valerie was so lost in her own happiness and in Clark’s kiss that she barely heard them at all.


Mindy’s cheeks hurt from smiling as she wrenched her gaze away from the happy, embracing couple and looked at Noah, who was standing beside her. He was applauding, humor and warmth dancing in his vivid green eyes, but there was still something about him that seemed so rigid and businesslike, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d had a good time.

“All right, everybody,” Rudolph Hutchins called over the din of the crowd, stepping into the middle of the room to silence them. Valerie and Clark broke apart, turning their attention toward the old man. “The ice rink has been fixed up in time for the holidays, and it’s now frozen solid. Drinks and snacks are on the house tonight as we celebrate the newly engaged couple.”

People cheered again, and Mindy couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. When she had first met Rudolph, he had been a bit of a curmudgeon. And he definitely still was. But when Valerie had come to Snowy Pine Ridge, and the truth about Rudolph’s past relationship with the movie star’s mother had come out, the two of them had begun to bond. And becoming something of a stand-in father figure to Valerie had brought out something softer and sweeter in the grumpy old man that they all loved.

She turned to Noah, about to ask him what he thought of the whole event when arms were flung around her neck, pulling her into a tight embrace.

“Thank you,” Valerie whispered in Mindy’s ear, squeezing her tightly. “Thank you for helping out with this and getting me here. And for not giving away the true surprise! I was so shocked.”

Mindy squeezed her friend back before the two women took a step back, beaming at each other. “We all helped,” she explained happily. “We wanted to be a part of the big day for you and Clark.”

“And I’m grateful for each and every one of you.” Valerie put a hand over her heart, tears still dancing in her eyes. “And to you, Noah. I know we just met, but thank you. And I’m sure there’s plenty of a story about all this”—Valerie waved a finger between Noah and Mindy—“that you can tell me all about later.”

Mindy’s cheeks flushed with heat. She was about to tell her friend that there really wasn’t any story that they needed to discuss, but before she could, the newly engaged woman was pulled away from her on a tide of celebration by some of their other friends.

“A story, huh?” Noah’s voice sounded amused from where he still stood beside her, and when she glanced at him, there was a wry smile ticking up the corner of his mouth. “I’m surprised you haven’t been texting her and telling her everything already.”

“She’s been busy,” Mindy answered, hoping her voice sounded nonchalant, even if she didn’t feel it. “Want to go out and get ready to skate?”

Noah nodded, and the two of them began to follow the flow of the crowd as people followed Rudolph down the hall toward the main part of the building. Mindy couldn’t help but notice the furtive glances thrown their way, and she wondered what everyone around the town was thinking. It was a lot of pressure to be the representative for all of Snowy Pine Ridge when it came to showing Noah around and convincing him that an industrial complex wouldn’t be a good fit for his aunt’s property.

Rudolph and Shelley made quick work of turning on the lights, and the surface of the freshly frozen ice gleamed invitingly. Mindy and Noah walked over to the skate rental, waiting their turn to tell Rudolph their sizes at the counter, then grabbing their skates and going over to a bench to get them laced up.