“A Heart Award? Really?” She couldn’t keep the surprise from leaking into her voice.
That was one of the most prestigious awards for romance movies out there. There had been plenty of her movies that had been nominated in the past, and they’d even won one for the best screenplay. But she had kind of expected that portion of her career to be over.
“Yes. And what’s better, not just the movie is nominated. Butyouwere nominated! For best actress!”
Florence continued chattering away on the other end of the line, telling her all about how this might be the thing she needed to save her career, how the offers would be flying in after this. But Valerie didn’t have it in her to listen.
Her heart was swelling with pride, there was no doubt about it. This was something she had always dreamed of. But she wasn’t as elated as she imagined herself being. It was clear from the way that Florence was talking that she wanted her back in L.A sooner rather than later, especially since there would be press associated with the nomination, but Valerie just couldn’t give her an answer. Not yet.
“Listen, Flo,” she said, deliberately using the name she knew Florence hated so that her agent wouldn’t be tempted to keep talking. “I’m so sorry, but I’m working on something at the moment. I’ll call you back later, okay?”
She didn’t give Florence time to respond as she disconnected the call. Valerie felt awful about it, but she couldn’t think about that all now. Her mind was reeling in a thousand different directions.
“Hey,” came a voice from behind her, and Valerie whirled to see Clark standing in the doorway holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Her stomach erupted in butterflies, and a huge smile tugged itself across her cheeks.
“Those for me?” she asked, nodding toward the flowers.
“These things?” he asked, shaking the bouquet before shaking his head with a sly grin. “Nah, I ran into Rudolph Hutchins on the way over and he confessed his undying love for me.”
She laughed, remembering vaguely the stories that she’d heard about the old man from the people in town. She thought she had seen him while she’d been at the arcade, but he had disappeared before she could be introduced.
“Well, looks like I have competition then,” she muttered, her grin widening as he closed the distance between them, kissing her gently.
When they broke apart, he handed her the bouquet of flowers and she sniffed them, giving him time to look around the room she’d been working on.
“This looks great,” he said, letting out a low whistle as he turned on the spot.
“I would have been a little farther along, but I got interrupted by a phone call.”
He must have noticed the change in her voice when she mentioned the call, because he whirled to face her, brows furrowed.
“Everything all right?”
She blew out a breath. “Yeah. No. Maybe.”
Valerie began filling him in on everything, telling him about the award and how this was everything she’d ever wanted, but now she wasn’t so sure. When she finished talking, Clark walked forward and wrapped her in a hug.
“I support whatever decision you want to make,” he said. “And I’m here if you want to talk.”
She nodded, her cheek brushing against the fabric of his shirt, but still her mind was racing. Los Angeles and acting was all she had ever known. There had never been a time in her life where Valerie had considered doing or being anything else. But all she did know was that no matter what she was going to take every moment with Clark that she could get, because she wasn’t ready for their time to end. Not yet.
Clark grunted with effort as he lifted a box of supplies, placing it on a shelf for later use. All day he’d been lost in thoughts of Valerie, thinking of how much he liked her, how much everyone seemed to like her. And how terrible it would be for everyone involved when she finally left.
A bell chimed out in the store, and he immediately placed it as the one above the door, announcing the arrival of a customer. He took a minute to dust himself off, especially after spending most of the day in the storage room, and then strode out into the shop.
Derek was standing in the doorway, Piper strapped to his chest with only her head peeking out between the zipper of his jacket. His friend broke out in a grin the second his eyes landed on Clark.
“Hey there,” Derek said, walking toward him. “Thought I’d bring in this ol’ gal to see you. Was just down in the kennels with the dogs and Lacy, and then Piper started to get fussy.”
Derek reached up, ruffling the one-year-old’s head beneath the knitted toboggan she was wearing. Piper giggled excitedly, and Clark could see her feet kicking from underneath Derek’s down coat.
“I hear babies will do that from time to time,” Clark joked, approaching the two with a smile.
When Clark stopped in front of them, he bent down so that he was at eye level with the little girl. He puffed out his cheeks and crossed his eyes, making a silly face that elicited an excited shriek from her.