“She’s right though.” Dennis’s voice had gone pensive. “To be impressed by your work and support your art. You’re a great artist. The last year has just been a blip.”
“That’s a pretty big blip.” Zach tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice when he said it, but he knew he didn’t succeed.
And the truth was, hewasdisappointed. Especially in the fact that he let himself fall so far into that rut that he’d had to resort to leaving everything behind just to try to seek inspiration. But then again, if he hadn’t done that, he never would have come to Snowy Pine Ridge, and by proxy, never would have met Colette. So in the grand scheme of things, he guessed he couldn’t be too sad about the events that had brought him here.
“I like that she supports you.” Dennis’s voice cut through his spiraling thoughts, bringing Zach staunchly back into the present. “You deserve that.”
Zach smiled at the phone, glad that his friend couldn’t see the dopey look that was spreading across his face.
“Thanks,” he murmured gratefully.
They made small talk for a little while longer, and Zach paced while they did so. Each time he passed the large windows at the back of the house, he glanced out of them toward the mountain that loomed in the distance. Something was dancing at the back of his mind, something that was beginning to take shape each time he marched past that spot.
By the time he and Dennis had disconnected, he was jittery with the need to move, the need to get outside—the need to create. Without giving himself much time to think, he pulled out his artist’s bag and began stuffing it full of everything he would need. Travel easel, canvas, brushes, paint. Item after item he threw into the satchel before throwing it over his shoulder and stalking out the door.
He threw an errant glance across the grounds, noticing Colette’s cabin lit up with a warm and friendly glow, letting him know that despite the early hour, she was awake. Zach contemplated for a second whether he should invite her. On the one hand, he would love to have her by his side while he did what he was about to do. But on the other hand, there was a part of him that was craving the solitude.
He stifled the bit of him that was craving her, telling himself that he would give into it at another time, and climbed into his car. He followed the winding, picturesque road as it led out of town, and the beauty of the scenery wasn’t lost on him. Chubby fir trees glistened with frost, and he even caught sight of deer grazing within their depths as he passed by.
He smiled as the road began leading him up the mountain, twisting and turning while he searched.
“There!” He exclaimed to himself as he finally found what he was looking for.
There was a break in the trees just ahead, one where the road widened and allowed for cars to pull off. There was a small area before the guard rail where people could mill about and take in the view, which was exactly what he planned on doing.
Zach wrapped his coat around him a little more firmly as he made his way toward the railing. Below him, the small valley that Snowy Pine Ridge was nestled in glistened with snow and lights as the sun began to make its greeting to the world around it. The tops of the roofs gleamed, and a smile began to light up Zach’s face.
He took the easel out of his bag and began setting up, and before he knew it, he was mixing his paints on the small palette he had brought with him. As if in a trance by the beauty that was laid out before him, he brought the brush to canvas.
Blues blended seamlessly with yellows and greens and white until he had the perfect hue for the shadows that danced across the snow. Orange blended with pink and red until the sky on the canvas was as bright and vibrant as the sunrise he saw before him. He lost himself entirely in the canvas, and as he poured himself into it, a peace settled over him that he hadn’t felt in quite some time.
He was creating, truly creating, for the first time in a very, very long time. And he couldn’t help but feel gratitude for the place that had brought it out in him, and the woman that had as well. Every doubt that he had felt, every disappointment, all of it faded to nothing. And he knew with a certainty that he could feel all the way in his bones that he was exactly where he was meant to be.
Colette ran her fingers through her softly curled blonde hair one final time as she blew out a breath. She checked herself over in the mirror and gave herself a nod of approval. She’d chosen a classic black cashmere sweater and dark jeans paired with cute but comfortable boots for the date she and Zach had planned.
Checking the time, she realized that she was at risk of being late if she didn’t throw her coat on and make her way over to the main house, so she did just that. The snow that had started as they had walked home the night before had continued through the night, and it had left a beautiful, downy layer of fresh snow dancing across the ground. It crunched under her boots as she approached the large brick house before her.
She blew out one final steadying sigh before knocking on the large wooden door. Faster than she expected, the door was pulled open to reveal Zach in the threshold. His cheeks and nose were tipped with pink as if he had just come in from outside, and his eyes were lit up with excitement. Colette lifted her brows as she smiled at him questioningly.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m great!” he exclaimed, bounding forward in one large step and wrapping his strong arms around her.
Colette let out a high, excited laugh as he squeezed her in a tight hug and swung her around. She threw her arms around his neck as her feet left the ground, giggling despite herself as the world twirled around her.
“What was that for?” she asked, still laughing when her feet were back on solid ground.
“This,” he said, reaching down to grab her hand.
Zach didn’t look back as he turned and tugged her along behind him, curiosity welling inside of her as they walked quickly through the house. Once they reached the doorway to the kitchen, he shot a grin over his shoulder and then pulled her through. At the back of the room, parked just in front of the window, was an easel that had a canvas on it.
Colette could smell the still fresh paint as she crossed the room, her eyes roving over the explosion of color. Her mouth dropped open as she took it in, and awe swelled within her. It was a painting of Snowy Pine Ridge, as seen from a high vantage point. There were elements of his old, impressionist style of painting. She could pick out hints of that style in the way the rooftops seemed to shimmer and fade upward into the sky and almost blend into their surroundings. It was surreal, but somehow so beautifully and perfectly Snowy Pine Ridge.
She had never seen someone be able to depict the town that she loved so perfectly. And Colette’s heart leapt with the sight of it.
“Zach,” she breathed as she crept closer, wanting to take in every single inch of the gorgeous painting. “This is amazing.”