She raised one shoulder in a shrug before letting it drop. She was fully aware that she was rambling, and she wasn’t sure if it was due to her nerves from entering the main house without permission, or the anxiety caused by the tubes of paint scattered about.

“An exterminator?” A worried look darted across Zach’s face. “Is there an infestation or something that I don’t know about?”

“Oh, no. Sorry.” Colette shook her head again, admonishing herself for making a mess of things. She was definitely still getting the hang of this landlord business. “It’s preventative. He’s just sealing everything to make sure no earwigs can get in. They can be a nuisance this time of year.”

“Ah, all right. Well, just have him come on in when he’s ready.”

Zach leaned forward, picking up the paintbrush from where he had placed it on the palette. He started to turn back toward the easel, but Colette took a few, hurried steps forward, grabbing his attention.

“What are you painting?” she asked, the question coming out in a rush.

“A little of this, a little of that.” He waved his hand at the variety of canvases strewn about the room.

“It seems…” Colette paused, searching for a word, any word, that wasn’t the only one that came to mind. But she came up short, and with a sigh, she decided to finish her sentence honestly. “Messy.”

Zach turned back to her slowly, the swivel of the stool that he sat on creaking slightly as he did so. By the time he was fully facing her, she could see by the expression on his face that she had offended him, and she immediately tried to backpedal.

“Sorry, I just…” Her sentence dropped off as she gestured wildly, indicating to the tubes of paint, discarded palettes, and half-finished canvases.

“Did I do something wrong here?” Zach asked.

His tone wasn’t outright accusatory, but she could tell she needed to tread lightly if she didn’t want to offend him.

“No.” Colette shook her head quickly. “No, it’s just… well, I’m worried is all.”

“Trust me. I have painted in every single apartment I have ever rented, and never once have I gotten so much as a drop on the floor, the walls, the ceiling, or anywhere that it isn’t supposed to be.”

She blinked at him, swallowing past the lump in her throat.

“Okay, sure.” Colette nodded. “I just worry about this place, that’s all.”

“I understand.” Zach nodded, his voice softening a bit. “But as far as I recall, there wasn’t any kind of stipulation about painting in my lease. So I’m pretty sure I’m not out of bounds here. I promise, I’m keeping an eye on everything, and none of this paint will get on anything that it’s not supposed to.”

She held his gaze for a moment, reading the sincerity in his eyes. It was difficult for her to accept his more free-spirited style, but she knew she was being overprotective of the house just because of her sentimental attachment to it. But despite the many differences between her and Zach, she was starting to understand that there were similarities too. So she realized that she would just have to trust him, taking his word that he knew what he was doing and wouldn’t get paint on the floors or the walls.

Colette inhaled deeply, trying to find more ease within herself just like Zach had.

It will be fine, she reminded herself.Don’t go worrying about a problem that hasn’t even been created yet.

“Right, well…” She glanced toward the door and then back to Zach. “I’ll leave you to it, and I’ll tell the exterminator to come in whenever he’s ready.”

“Thanks.” Zach looked like he wanted to say something more, but instead, he just nodded once. Then he turned back to his canvas as she made her way toward the door.

As an afterthought, she called over her shoulder, “Oh, and his name is Ron, by the way.”

She didn’t wait for a reply as the door shut behind her, sealing itself with a final, resounding click.


Zach pushed himself off the stool, taking a few steps back to admire the painting before him. He had been working on one of the Town Square, where the small circle of shops wrapped around the road. In the center of the space stood the massive, beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and smiling shoppers walked about. Considering he had never truly dabbled in anything besides impressionism while painting, he was proud of his results so far. Even if he still had a lot of work to do.

Movement outside the large bay window grabbed his attention, and Zach glanced up, catching sight of a bright red coat and a flash of blonde hair. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He crept closer to the window, watching as Colette strode down the driveway and onto the sidewalk, headed toward town.

He thought of the moment earlier in the day when she’d stopped by the main house. He’d been a little offended that she thought he wouldn’t take care of this house that clearly meant so much to her, but looking at his sometimes chaotic process from an outsider’s eye, he could see why she had been concerned. As he replayed their conversation in his head, he regretted that he hadn’t taken more time to explain to herhowhe was so certain that no paint would get anywhere it wasn’t supposed to.

Not long after she had left, he had privately resolved to stop by her cottage this evening to apologize if he’d been insensitive or curt. But now he chewed his lip, considering that maybe catching her while she was out and about might be better than just showing up at her cottage at random.

Deciding in a rush, Zach turned and headed quickly toward the front door. He didn’t pause to glance at the coat he grabbed from one of the hooks before shrugging it on, slipping his feet into his boots and then stepping out into the brisk winter day.