“Speaking of Mindy,” she mused. “I was glad to see that she and Sarah worked things out. Ending on a tie was probably the best outcome for the bake-off.”

“And she and Sarah are actually friends now,” Zach chimed in as Colette nodded in agreement.

“I think that will be good for Sarah,” Colette said. “She and Mindy will be able to run ideas by each other, host collaborations, all that jazz.”

Everyone at the table nodded as the young woman who had been helping out the other customers flitted over to their table. They all placed their orders, Colette’s stomach growling loudly enough when the server walked away that everyone at the table was able to hear it.

“I wonder if they can….” Lacy’s words cut off as warmth spread throughout her lap.

Her hands flew to her stomach as she pushed her chair back, staring down at the small pool of water now forming on her chair and underneath the seat.

“What is it?” Zach asked while Colette just stared at her.

Lacy threw a glance sidelong at Derek, and her husband was just staring down at her lap, realizing what was happening with a shell-shocked look on his face.

“It’s time,” Lacy said, breaking the silence of the table.

Their little girl was about to arrive.

* * *

Zach’s heart began to pound as Lacy’s words sank in and he pushed himself back from the table, the movement snapping Colette into action as well. Derek seemed to be in a haze as he helped his wife to standing.

“The bill!” Lacy yelled, pointing to the table as Derek tried to usher her out the front door.

“Don’t worry about it,” Zach called out, watching them disappear through the glass door as he took out his wallet.

He took out a few twenties, more than enough to cover everything that they’d ordered and then some and tossed it on the table.

“Shall we?” he said as he turned to Colette, who was glancing between him to the front door and back again.

“The baby is coming!” she exclaimed, blinking rapidly as if trying to clear her mind of hazy thoughts. “It’s early.”

“Only by a couple of weeks,” Zach reassured her, and Colette turned her wide-eyed gaze to him.

“You knew her due date?” she asked, incredulous.

“Derek told me last night. Now let’s go.”

He reached down to grab her hand, lacing their fingers together as they headed out the door after Lacy and Derek. The moment they stepped out into the cold December air, he immediately knew something was wrong.

Derek and Lacy had made it to their car, and the engine was revving as they tried to back out of their parking space, but nothing was happening. As they walked closer, Zach realized that their tire was caught on a bit of ice.

“What’s happening?” Derek called out the window he had rolled down.

“You’re stuck on ice,” Zach clarified. “Here.”

He gave Colette’s hand a small tug, directing her toward the front of the vehicle.

“We’ll rock it out,” Zach said as he placed his hands on the hood and Colette followed suit.

Together, they began pushing on the car and then stopping rapidly, rocking it back and forth, back and forth as they tried to help the tire find purchase. After a few attempts, just when Zach was beginning to worry that it wasn’t going to work, the tire caught asphalt and the car began to pull backward.

Derek cheered inside the car, the sound of it carrying across the parking lot through the still open window. But the moment that they had backed out successfully the car stopped and the passenger side window, where Lacy was sitting and focusing on her breathing, rolled down.

“Get in,” she commanded, her eyes swiveling from Zach and Colette. “I want you with me.”

Lacy stared directly at Colette, who blushed like mad as she and Zach rushed forward and pulled open the back door. They climbed into the back seat, their shoulders pressing against one another as Derek began the drive toward the hospital.