“Well, I had an idea for St. Nick’s Place party. In fact, it’s not really an idea so much as it is an event that will for sure be happening. And I’m practicing.”

Colette threw a confused glance at Zach, as if he might know about whatever was going on—but Sarah was Colette’s friend, not his. If anyone was going to know, it would be her, and she clearly didn’t. He just shook his head at her before turning his attention back to Sarah.

“What are you talking about?” he asked. “What event?”

“A bake-off,” Sarah answered simply. “Between Sweet Thing and Baking Fiend.”

Zach watched as Colette’s mouth popped open in surprise. “A bake-off?” she echoed. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

One of Sarah’s hands pushed through the door to wave airily, and Zach noticed that it too was completely covered in flour and spices.

“Of course it is. This means the party will have plenty of food and pastries to go around. And we’ll get to determine who the better baker in town is. It’s a win-win.”

Sarah’s tone wasn’t nearly as nonchalant as her words would make it seem. Zach could sense an undercurrent of stress in her voice, and Colette stepped forward, leaning her elbows on the counter and propping her chin in her hands.

“I’m glad that the party will have all the goodies,” Colette said. “You know I could never say no to any of your treats. But are you sure this is what you want?”

“Oh, of course! I’m absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure.”

Sarah nodded vigorously, finally stepping out of the kitchen. As she did, Zach got a small glimpse of the kitchen behind her. Trays filled with baked goods and pastries lined every available surface, some cooked, some waiting to be put in the oven. From where he was standing, it looked like every single piece of equipment had been in use earlier that night.

“Sarah!” Colette exclaimed as she caught sight of the same thing, glancing from the kitchen to her friend and back again.

“What?” The woman whirled around, realized what Colette and Zach had caught sight of and then turned back to face them, blushing. “Oh, I’m just practicing. I want my recipes to be perfect so I can pick the best one for the contest.”

There was a worried, slightly manic glint in her eyes, and Colette sighed as she shot Sarah a sympathetic look.

“I know I’ve said this before,” Colette told her friend gently, “but you are the best baker in this town. You have more heart, more passion, and more talent than almost anyone I’ve ever met. And that will be true no matter what, contest or no contest.”

Sarah’s throat bobbed and she nodded before stepping up to the counter, asking them what she could get started for them.

They ordered their specialty decaf coffee drinks and a few of the pastries still on display in the case, then Sarah busied herself with putting it all together. When she passed their order to them, she told them to go ahead and take all the time they want to eat and enjoy the space since she would be in the kitchen late anyway, and then disappeared back behind the doors.

They walked their food and drinks over to one of the cozy tables in the corner and sat opposite each other. Once they were comfortable, Zach reached his hand across the table as Colette did the same. He held her hand again, gently running his thumb in slow, languid circles over her knuckles.

“I’ve had a really lovely time tonight,” Colette said with a slight flush to her cheeks.

“So have I,” Zach answered with a smile.

They were interrupted by a clattering coming from the kitchen, followed by a voice calling, “Sorry, dropped a pan!”

They both laughed, and then Zach turned his attention back to Colette. “So tell me about this Christmas party.”

He took a sip of his drink as she launched into the story. She told him all about Lacy’s family and their history with the party, and how when Lacy had come to Snowy Pine Ridge after her grandfather’s passing, she uncovered the truth about her family and how much they had loved her. It had been hard for her to reconcile, but one of the ways she felt close to them was by hosting the party. She told him about Lacy’s pregnancy and how she was taking a step back from the party this year, and that she and Sarah were putting it on instead, as a surprise for their friend.

Her face lit up when she spoke about it, her love for this town and its people pouring out of her. And Zach found that he would have been perfectly content to listen to her for hours.

“Of course everyone is invited,” Colette said, blinking her soft brown eyes at him pointedly. “Even out of towners.”

A slight blush danced across her cheeks, and Zach’s own blood heated at her suggestion.

“Colette, are you trying to ask me to be your date?” He arched a brow at her.

“No. Yes. Maybe. I mean, only if you wanted to,” Colette stammered. The flush that was once a gentle pink burned bright red as she tried to correct herself.

Zach couldn’t help but laugh and decided to save her from her obvious discomfort.

“To be clear.” Zach grinned. “That was me asking you to go with me.”