Colette took a big, deep breath, seeming to center herself before she continued talking. When she did, her words left her in a rush, like she was afraid that if she stopped, she’d never get them out.

“I’m sorry if I crossed a line. I just… you’re so intriguing, and I always have the best time with you, even if sometimes you’re a little blunt.”

Zach furrowed his brow in confusion, opening his mouth to ask her if that was a compliment, but she held up her hands and hurried on.

“I like that you’re blunt. I like that you’re creative. And this…” She waved her hands in front of her, gesturing to Zach’s canvas. “All of it is just so fascinating. I guess I got caught up in how excited you were over the paintings in the attic. Seeing you appreciate Emma’s collection made my heart ache in the best way. And I just didn’t think.”

She huffed a quiet breath as she finished, looking at him with her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. He took a step toward her, trying his best to fight at the smile that was threatening to stretch wide across his face.

“Oh, gosh. Now I’ve said too much. Sometimes my motor mouth runs away from me,” Colette murmured, watching Zach as he took another step.

He shook his head at her. “No, you didn’t.” He couldn’t fight it anymore, and he let the smile tug up the corners of his lips. “You said just the right amount, actually.”

The worry on her face dimmed, replaced by something that looked a lot like hope.

“Really?” she asked and Zach nodded.

“Uh huh. I think you’re fascinating too, Colette. You’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. Seeing you is always the best part of my day. And I don’t regret the kiss. Not one bit.”

He took the final few steps that separated them and reached his arms out for her, pulling her into a hug. She stiffened in surprise for only a moment before she relaxed and nuzzled into his chest a little. The scent of apples and cinnamon wafted off of her, soothing and warm. He took a deep breath, drawing it into his lungs.

“Are you sure?” Colette murmured, her face pressed to his chest.

Zach squeezed her a little tighter before taking a step back, holding her at arm’s length so she could see the honesty in his face when he answered. “I’m sure.”

“Okay, good.” A slow, radiant smile overtook her face, transforming her features. “It’s just, everything around here can be so mundane. So monotonous, you know? And you… well, you definitely aren’t either of those things. I was worried that I got caught up in all of that and overstepped.”

“Not at all. I’ve loved getting to know you,” Zach assured her gently. “It’s something I’d like to do a lot more of, actually.”

Her face lit up even more. “I think I’d like that too.”

They smiled at each other for a moment, grinning like goofy teenagers, and an idea struck him. He dropped his hands from where they still rested on Colette’s shoulders and walked back over to the table. Zach grabbed one of the darts off of it and extended it to her in an offer.

“Here,” he said with a wink.

“Wait, you wantmeto throw it?” Surprise laced Colette’s voice.

“Yeah, I’d love to have some help with this one. Come on.” He waved her over encouragingly.

She stepped closer, reaching out to pluck the dart from his hand. “Can you show me how?”

“Of course. First, you need to place your feet and shoulders like this,” Zach said as he demonstrated how to stand to get the best aim, and she copied him. “Good. Then, you just flick your wrist and forearm forward and bam.”

Colette smiled as she threw the dart. It barely nicked the balloon she had been aiming for, but it was still enough to break it open, and forest green paint spilled out. She crowed with delight as she turned to look at him.

“That was perfect,” he said with a grin, grabbing the final dart from the table.

As he stood square to the canvas, Colette at his back, he told her, “In the spirit of oversharing, I am very, very mundane.”

He let the dart go, and it sailed toward its target, piercing it right in the center with an explosion of bright yellow paint. Zach nodded in satisfaction when it hit, then walked toward the canvas to retrieve the darts still stuck in it so they could go again for the remainder of the balloons.

“I haven’t created anything worthwhile in over a year,” he continued as pulled out the first dart. “My art has been stagnant, and that’s putting it kindly. That’s the entire reason I came here. To try to reconnect with everything that made me want to create in the first place.”

“And have you?” Her voice was hesitant, and Zach didn’t answer right away.

He focused on pulling the rest of the darts from the canvas quickly, jerking them straight back so to not rip the fabric before turning back to Colette and holding her gaze.

“Yeah. I’m starting to.”