“Oh, you weren’t rude.” She paused briefly, her lips pulling to one side in an adorable way. “Don’t get me wrong, you weren’t overly chatty. And I could tell it bothered you a bit that I thought you would just get paint everywhere. But I didn’t think you were rude.”

He gave her a cautious smile. “Okay. Good. Because I’m really enjoying living in that house, and I hope you know I wouldn’t do anything that could damage it. I know how much it means to you.”

Her eyes warmed, something passing over her face that he couldn’t quite read. “Thanks,” she murmured. Then she made a face. “Oh, and while we’re apologizing, I’m sorry I came into the house without notice and that I insulted your creative process.”

Zach blinked. “Wait, what? Did you insult my process?”

“I called it messy.”

His jaw fell open a little at the reminder, and then he narrowed his eyes in mock affront. “Yeah, you did do that.” He dropped the offended act, his lips turning up in a grin. “Although, to be fair, you’re not wrong. My processismessy. It’s always been that way. But I make sure that none of that mess gets anywhere I don’t want it to.”

Colette laughed, and the light, happy sound of it made something in him unwind a little. A tension he hadn’t realized he was carrying in his shoulders fell away.

“We’re both forgiven then?” he offered, unable to hide the little bit of hope that snuck into his voice.

“We’re forgiven.” Colette extended a hand and looked up at him expectantly.

With a chuckle, Zach placed his hand in hers and gave it a quick, firm shake. Despite the snow all around, it was nice enough out that neither of them had put on gloves today, and he tried not to focus on how warm and soft her palm felt pressed against his.

“Are you headed back to the house?” she asked when they finally released their handshake and dropped their arms.

“Probably soon. I’m painting more these days than I have in almost a year. So I’ll likely go grab a coffee and head back.”

At the mention of painting, another look of worry flashed across Colette’s face again, although it was clear she tried to hide it.

“I promise not to make a mess,” Zach said quickly.

“I know.” She shook her head, rolling her eyes at herself. “You already told me that, and Idobelieve you. It’s just… hard. Emma loved that house so much. I think I’m so set on keeping it in good shape because it feels like a part of her is still in the house. Like maintaining and caring for the main house is a way of caring for her memory and keeping her close. I know it probably makes me an uptight landlord, and I’m sorry about that.”

Zach hesitated for a second, considering her words. They were so tender and heartfelt that he had the sudden urge to pull her into his arms. He didn’t, but he did take a step closer, dipping his head to catch her gaze.

“I totally get it. I think I’d be the same if someone I loved as much as you loved Emma left me a house to take care of. If it would make you feel better, I can paint outside.”

“What?” Her eyes widened as she blurted the word, clearly shocked by the suggestion. “No way. Absolutely not. It’s cold out, and that would just be cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Well, how about I just promise to be extra careful?”

“Pinky promise it.” She held up her hand, her pinky finger sticking straight up in the air as she arched a brow at him.

Zach couldn’t help but laugh. “You know we’re adults, right?”

She didn’t say anything, just shot a pointed glance at her pinky as she lifted it a little higher in the air. An amused sigh gusted in the cold air in front of his face, but it was immediately negated by the smile pulling at his lips as he laced his pinky with hers.

“Fine,” he said solemnly. “I pinky promise that I will be extra careful and not even the tiniest drop of paint will get anywhere that isn’t one of the sheets I put down.”


Colette grinned at him with satisfaction before their hands dropped back to their sides. They said a quick goodbye, with Zach telling her that he should go get his coffee and Colette saying she needed to get a few things done around her cottage. They walked to the edge of the parking lot in front of the dog sledding business, then both started walking in opposite directions.

As they separated, Zach replayed their conversation in his head, feeling much better about this one than their earlier one back at the house. They had found common ground, and he was starting to realize that with every interaction he had with Colette, he liked her more and more.

He grinned to himself and glanced over his shoulder, catching just a glimpse of Colette’s red coat as she disappeared into the distance.


The sound of the smoke alarm blared through the bakery, and Sarah yelped as she rushed toward the oven. She pulled open the door and smoke poured out of it, prompting her to wave her towel in the air to try to dispel a bit of it.

She wasted no time grabbing the oven mitt from the nearest counter and pulling out the tray of the now entirely burned apple streusel muffins that she had been working on. Sarah blew out a quick, frazzled breath and she tried to steady her nerves. The bakery had been busy most of the morning, but not as busy as it usually was at eight a.m. on a Monday.