Sarah gave a contented sigh before closing the display case and making her way to the office. It was a small, cozy room at the back of the building with only a desk and a puffy reading chair in the corner. As soon as she opened the door, she spotted a pile of papers sitting right in the center. She walked over and began thumbing through them, trying to find the one that William had been referencing. The itemized lines and numbers that she caught glimpses of as she flipped through the pages made her head spin, and she once again sent up a quick prayer of thanks for William taking over the business’s finances.

Finally, a flash of pink caught her eye with SARAH scrawled in black ink, and she let out a relieved sigh. She picked it up and eyed the document, her brow creasing in confusion as some of the words began to take root in her mind.

Invoice for a Proposed Marriage,Sarah read, and her heart began to pound. Her gaze continued on, looking over the itemized list.

Marriage Certificate ……….. $75.00

Wedding Ceremony ……….. $7,000.00

Wedding Reception ……….. $10,000.00

Saying “Yes” to Lifelong Happiness ……….. Priceless

Sarah’s hand fluttered up to her lips as she smiled, tears welling in her eyes as she realized what he was saying. There was fine print at the bottom, and she laughed as she read it aloud.

“Lifelong happiness is not guaranteed, but results are probable. Terms and Conditions may apply.”

Was this really happening? Was William proposing? Sarah’s pulse, which was already racing with joy, kicked up another notch as she clutched the paper to her chest and strode from the office back out to the dining area where she had last seen him. As soon as she pushed open the stylized swinging doors that separated the kitchen from the counter, there he was.

William was down on one knee, a small box held out in front of him with a beautiful, glistening diamond ring nestled inside. The tears that Sarah had been fighting since reading the invoice finally spilled over, trailing paths down her cheeks as she approached him.

“I love you, Sarah Langston,” William began, his voice shaking with emotion. “Coming back to Snowy Pine Ridge was the best decision I have ever made. Our life together, everything that we’ve created, the way that we’ve loved one another… all of it is so much more than I ever could have dreamed.”

Sarah choked out a teary laugh as she stepped forward, William’s words washing over her and filling her with love. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as she dropped to her knees with him, bringing herself to his eye level as he continued to speak.

“I never thought it would be possible for me to love someone this much, but every day, you prove me wrong. And I’d love for you to keep proving it every day for the rest of our lives.”

Sarah was speechless as William pulled the beautiful, emerald cut diamond ring out of its box and took her hand.

“Sarah Langston, will you give me the absolute privilege of calling you my wife?”

She could barely choke out a “yes” past the lump in her throat, but William still heard it, and he beamed at her. His blue eyes shone with happiness as he slipped the ring onto her finger, a perfect fit. She stared at it for a second, at the way the beautiful, perfect diamond glittered in the wintry sunlight that filled the café, before she leaned forward and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to William’s lips.

“I love you.” She half laughed, half sobbed as they both climbed to their feet.

The bell above the door to the café chimed merrily, announcing the arrival of a customer, andSarah peeked around William’s shoulder to see her friend Colette standing in the doorway. Colette’s pale eyebrows shot up in question as she took in the scene in front of her and the tears still streaming down Sarah’s face.

Sarah wiped the back of her hand across her cheeks. She thought that she was likely smearing her makeup, but she was too happy in that moment to care.

“We’re engaged,” she called out in a high, excited voice as she raised her hand in the air and flashed her new ring to Colette.

Her friend’s face lit up with joy, and she bounded forward, taking Sarah’s hand in hers and turning it this way and that to get a good look at the ring.

“Oh my goodness,” Colette gushed. “Congratulations! I am so incredibly happy for you both.”

Sarah smiled at her before Colette dropped her hand and then wrapped her in a tight, warm embrace.

“Thank you,” Sarah said, her chest feeling so filled with happiness that she thought it might explode.

Colette let go of Sarah and then bounded over to wrap William in a hug as well, all of them chatting excitedly as Sarah recounted the events that had just unfolded to her friend. They only stood talking for a moment before William leaned forward to kiss Sarah on the cheek.

“We actuallyarealmost out of eggnog,” he whispered to her with a chuckle. “So I do need to go to the store. We’ll go out later to a fancy restaurant to celebrate, okay?”

Sarah nodded at him, then leaned up on her toes to press her lips to his in a quick kiss before he turned and walked out the door. She watched him as he went, her mind still whirring with the fact that he was no longer her boyfriend, but her fiancé.

“So when’s the wedding gonna be?” Colette asked, giving Sarah a soft, happy smile.

“I literally just got engaged.” Sarah laughed with a wave of her hand. “It’s a little bit too early to have things planned out just yet.”