Page 9 of Corrupted Union

I’m used to being alone. I find it more of a comfort now. But I don’t like feeling like an outcast within my own family. It hurts too much.

Emilia and Marco walk farther down the hallway, continuing their conversation. I was looking forward to settling in and continuing my book, but now I’m too upset. I can’t just sit here.

So, I wipe my tears and leave the room, intent on checking out my new home for the next… however long until I find a husband, I guess. The mansion is easy to get lost in and that’s what happens when I turn a corner and find I’m right back where I started. I keep trying until I find the stairs and head downstairs.

I turn another corner and bump into a man. His gaze is on his phone. “Oh, sorry,” I whisper, stepping out of the way. He glances up at me, and I almost gasp at how handsome he is. With dark blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a sculpted jaw, he reminds me of Grecian sculptures. He also looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place him.

His lips curl up into a nasty smirk before he looks me up and down. “And who are you?”

“I’m Francesca, Emilia’s sister.”

“Oh, you’re one of the many Moretti’s. I’m Leo, Marco’s second in command.” That’s where I know him from. He was at Emilia and Marco’s wedding years ago. He holds up his phone. “Wish I could stay and chat, but I have work to get to. I hate having to pass up the opportunity to talk to a beautiful woman.”

I flush and look down.

“See you later, Francesca.” His deep voice sends a shiver through me.

Ok. I’ve never had a man talk to me like that before. Granted, I’m normally in my room or at a museum, not exactly the most conducive places to meet men. After shaking myself, I keep walking until I find the back door leading out to a gorgeous garden. Off to the left is a large pool. I go over to it and sit down, taking my shoes off and dipping my feet into the water.

Throwing my head back, I soak up the sun and remind myself to remain calm. My anxiety never helps me. I’m sure Emilia didn’t mean to call me weird. Even though I want to ask her about it, I know I won’t. My own limitations frustrate me.

“Whatcha doing?” Leo’s voice startles me out of my reverie, making me yelp and fall forward, straight into the pool. The cold water makes me gasp and thrash around, seeking air. I scramble for the surface, but my jacket weighs me down. I struggle to take it off, and the longer I’m under water, the more I start to panic.

A pair of hands grab my wrists and pull me out of the water. I slump onto the tile, coughing and sputtering. Leo looks down at me with amusement.

“Not the strongest swimmer, huh?”

I scramble up to stand, feeling self-conscious as my clothes stick to my body. Given how Leo eyes me over, he notices, too. “You startled me. I thought you were busy with work.”

“I was. But that was a while ago. I finished and came looking for you. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

I frown. How long was I out here for? I got lost in the peaceful tranquilly of the garden, the sun, and the softly rippling water of the pool. “It’s ok.”

“But maybe I should have meant it. I didn’t know you were going to fall in and give me a good look at your body. If I’d known, I would’ve pushed you in myself.”


Leo chuckles, still giving me that rude smirk. “You have a fine body, Francesca.” He whistles. “I could look at it for hours.”

I step away from him, covering my body with my arms. “What do you want?” Normally, I would run, but there’s something about Leo that makes me want to stay and fight.

“You’re over eighteen, correct?”

“I’m twenty.”

“Whew.” He makes a show of wiping his forehead. “Good. I know Emilia has a lot of younger siblings, and I wouldn’t want to get into trouble. Granted, I love getting into trouble. Take off your jacket and show me what you’re working with.”

I tug my soaking wet jacket around myself. “No.”

“Fine. You’re loss. I’m great at making women feel good.” He winks.

I scrunch up my nose and walk around him. “No, thank you.” I can’t hurry away from Leo fast enough.

His laughter follows me as I run away.

