Page 5 of Corrupted Union

I don’t see Franco, so he must be in his office. Mydad’soffice. I’ve always resented Franco for thinking he could take my father’s place when no one asked for Franco to be a second dad to us. In fact, I don’t think I’m alone in wanting him gone. Time can’t come fast enough for Antonio to take over, so Franco can move out.

Mom is in the living room, a towel pressed to her cheek.

“Mom?” I ask tentatively. She doesn’t respond. Instead, she stares blankly in front of her. “Mom?” Still no answer. I swear, if feels like she ignores me on purpose. I try one more time, raising my voice. “Mom?”

She finally blinks and looks at me. “Oh, Francesca. I didn’t see you there. Have you been there long?”

I stifle a sigh. “Not long. Are you ok?” I point at her cheek.

“Oh, this? It’s nothing.” She pulls the towel away, revealing a cheek that’s already bruising. “I was opening the bathroom cabinet and bumped my face.”

We both know that’s not true, yet I can’t seem to ask her about it.

“Right. Well …” I shrug and limp out of the living room. God, my leg hurts.

Mom calls out to me. “Francesca, wait. There’s something we should talk about.”

“Yes?” I limp back to her. She doesn’t even notice.

“I do think it’s time you get married. You’re twenty now, so it’s a good age. But I don’t have time to find you a suitor.” Disappointment flares through me. She had the time for Emilia and Gemma. For Gemma, she threw her an entire party full of suitors. “I’m too busy with the twins right now, and with Antonio getting ready to take over, I just don’t have the time. I have other priorities.” I’m not sure my mom is aware how hurtful her words can be. “So, I had an idea.”


“I think it would be a good idea if you go and stay with Emilia in LA. She can probably help you find a good husband. Sounds good?” She smiles. “Good.” I haven’t even answered.

I just nod. I do miss Emilia, so it’ll be nice to see her again, even though it hurts that my mom gives everyone but me attention. But I’m so used to it by now that I don’t cry about it anymore.

I start to walk out of the room when she frowns. “Did you hurt your leg?”

I’m honestly amazed she even noticed. “It’s not important.”

She looks relieved. “Good. I should go check on Cecilia with the dishes.” She walks past me without even looking at me.

I slump onto the couch, wincing as a sharp pain rips up my leg. Alone as usual. But at least I’m going to visit Emilia. That’s a win in my eyes.

So, I force a smile onto my face and focus on the positive.



Ileave for the airport this morning, and no one woke to say goodbye. I’m used to it by now. My siblings are busy with their own lives, and I’m ok with that. It would just be nice for my mom to say goodbye before I leave, but she doesn’t even make the effort to come down and see me off.

I think back to a few days ago when I saw Franco hit her. I still haven’t asked her about it. I want to make sure she’s ok, but I keep holding back. It’s cowardice. I just don’t know how to talk to my mother.

I say a quiet goodbye to the house before meeting George outside. He’s driving me to the airport. “Ready to go, Francesca?”

“I am, George.”

He puts my bag away for me. “You know, I’m going to miss you.”

“It’s too bad you can’t come with me, but you have your family here to be with.”

We both get into the car and head for the airport. New York in the early morning hours is at its quietest, even though the occasional horn and roar of a garbage truck can be heard. The snow makes everything look pristine. I’ll miss the cold. There’s something very cozy about it. But LA will be my home now for some time—at least until I can find a suitable husband. Hopefully, Emilia can help me with that.

My older sister is probably the only person who has ever truly given me attention. It’s easy to get along with her warm nature. I’m not very good at talking to people, so another person’s energy is important for me to be able to talk to them.

George lingers by the car after he drops me off at the airport. “Good luck, Mi—uh, Francesca.” He pats my arm. “It was nice guarding you.”