Wasting no time, I pass the bag over to Scott and then pick Logan up in my arms. As I gently press his head down on my shoulder, irritated ear upward, I direct Scott to tear open the ear drops package and drop a few in.
I’m honestly in awe as I watch him adeptly hold Bridget tightly against his chest while at the same time steadily dropping medicine into Logan’s ear. His concentration is unbreakable. Scott’s brow is furrowed, and his jaw is clenched so tight that I can see the straining tendons.
In seconds it’s over and both children are silent, exhaustion having gotten the better of them. Logan is heavy in my arms, but I don’t want to let him go. Looking up from the slumbering child, I smile over at Scott. My grin slowly melts off my face.
He is staring at me, his eyes blazing with something I can’t name. I’m not sure if this look is good or bad, but it is hypnotizing.
We stand like that for minutes, just watching one another.
“Thank you,” Scott breaks the silence, bowing his head. “Thanks for all you did. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here.”
“You would have figured it out. You’d do anything for these kids.”
He doesn’t say anything, but his lip quirks up on one side, reminding me of the mischievous boy he used to be.
“Mind helping me one more time? I need to get them into their car seats.”
“Yeah,” I breathed, following his lead over to his car.
Trying not to watch the muscles flex in his arms as he buckles both kids into their car seats, I stand awkwardly to the side. I should go, but also don’t want to leave him just yet. With one last test pull to the crisscross harnesses, Scott stands tall and shuts the back door. Extending a hand over the top of the car, he smiles at me.
“What?” He doesn’t say anything, his smile just gets bigger. “What is it? Do I have something on my face?”
We both burst into laughter when he continues to say nothing. My laugh halts at the touch of his fingers against my arm. The world around me stops, and the only thing moving is me and Scott as he pulls me into his warm chest.
Instinctually, my arms wrap around him, squeezing him tight. He holds me equally as tight. I can feel rather than see him dip his head and rest his chin on the top of my head. I hide my smile in the material of his shirt, pure contentment washing over me.
Damn, if sixteen-year-old me could see me now she would have a total heart attack.
“Thank you,” he says again. This time the words are muffled as he presses a quick kiss to my forehead. I could honestly swoon right this second, but I need to be strong. Not make a fool of myself so soon into our adult friendship.
I bob my head, not able to get any words out. I can feel my cheeks heating under his watch.
Clearing my throat, I point over my shoulder. “I guess I should get going.”
Sliding his hands into his front jeans pockets, he nods at my words. It takes everything in me not to look down. At the bulge in his jeans I know is there now that his hands are in his pockets. Is he doing this on purpose?
“So, yeah. I should go.”
“You said that already.”
“I did, yes, but, umm, okay. See you around!” I say too loudly. Reaching the peak of my embarrassment, I’m about to spin on the balls of my feet and flee when Scott’s arm reaches out again and snags me.
This time, he tugs me back into his arms. His lips are on mine seconds later.
I still have no idea what’s happening or what to do. Because this surely can’t be real.
One tentative hand grips my side, the other gliding into my hair. Being bold, I add pressure to our kiss. I part my lips, my tongue touches Scott’s and we both deepen the kiss.
Too soon he’s pulling away. Scott gives me a satisfied grin before grabbing my hand and walking me to my car. His gaze goes back to his car every couple of seconds, and as soon as I’m at my driver’s-side door, he dips his head to kiss my cheek one last time. Then he’s gone.
I give an awkward wave as his car exits the parking lot and his taillights disappear down the road. Bringing a hand up to my lips, I drag a finger across the kiss-swollen area. A giggle builds in my throat until I can’t hold it in.
Oh my God. What just happened?
My whole body is tingling, blood fired up and lust coursing through every vein.
I wasn’t sure if this changed everything or nothing. He was still going through a difficult time. Maybe the kiss had been more stress relief and gratitude than decades-old lust.